You are both right. I agree. So does Cambridge Dictionary.
"churn something out
to produce a large amount of something quickly, usually of low quality:
original reddit post (removed).
You are both right. I agree. So does Cambridge Dictionary.
"churn something out
to produce a large amount of something quickly, usually of low quality:
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Thanks for that story, Diogenesister.
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I'll venture a guess. I think that he's trying to sound as though he has "depth".
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You did it, Toblerone5!
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Yes, grandiose.
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Maybe they are holding off on criticism,... giving him a chance because he’s new at it,... or giving him a chance to leave with some dignity intact if he was awful at it.
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Narcissist's insignificant Other: Typical Spouse or Intimate Partner.
"That primordial sin is that she fell in love with an image, not with a real person."
I loved the title of this video.
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Few here will disagree with this:
It is easy to become swept up in the charms of a wealthy narcissist. At the beginning of a relationship, they will often shower a partner with attention and affection, often buying expensive gifts or taking them on holidays, making them feel like they’re the most important person in the world. However, when the person is a narcissist, this love doesn’t come from a good place. In fact, a narcissist will often look for a particular type of person as a target when scouting for partners. They want to find someone they can easily exploit, for example, someone who is not very self-confident. They’ll even play the victim to gain your sympathy, talking about how tough life has been for them or how badly they were treated in the past. Gradually, however, the affection is replaced with behaviors like gaslighting. It can start with an occasional snide comment or outright lie, and ramp up from there.
Partners of wealthy narcissists can start to feel they’re losing their minds. One minute their partner is complimenting them and the next they’re accusatory. Narcissists are very good at being charming when they have an outside audience, showing their true colors only in the privacy of the home, and very skillfully shifting the blame on you."
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Dijana cannot control Lloyd.
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Enjoying trips, recognition, and respect doesn’t equate to a wife being a narcissist.