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What you said on the previous page about Lloyd's planned "use" for Dijana sounds right to me, Kim. I think he wanted Dijana to give him "service with a smile" as far as cooking, cleaning, household chores, and baby care were concerned. And, I think that he wanted Dijana around to give the impression that he was stable, responsible, and not a weird, scarey person. In other words,... exactly what you said.
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That hadn't occurred to me, and you're right!
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If she had said, "Oh. Okay. Fine", he would have been so happy he'd have been jumping and clicking his heels together.
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Would that be the association with SW's? Did that association spoil LE's profits?
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Thisismein1972, you could probably publish a whole comic book where that is the punchline.
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So,... when Lloyd gets outted for who he really is and loses funding, those critics are taking money away from his children's haircuts and the huge exjw work that he does? But if he gets his donations back up again, then he's off again to hire prostitutes? Is there any way for us to know at what point poverty ends and spending on vice begins? Why doesn't Lloyd just tell us how much money he really needs for his family and his videos?
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Tibor, around 56 C.E., Paul wrote his letter of 1 Corinthians. Verses 33 and 34 of chapter 15 say, "33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 34 Sober up as you ought, and stop sinning; for some of you are ignorant of God. I say this to your shame."
We are influenced by the company we keep. Were you Christian previous to keeping company with Lloyd? I've met atheists here who follow their inborn sense of morals and good character. You know Lloyd much better than I do. What moral compass does he follow?
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If I were a puppy, I would be wagging my tail, Kim.
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Maybe I've missed something, but I've never heard of Dijana saying that Lloyd has mental problems.