Opps! Oh, I see what you mean. I should have enlarged the page a little more. Actually, because I thought it said "1 year" is the reason I posted here. Otherwise, I was on the verge of starting my own thread. All of the threads on the deaf that I found here were quite ancient. Out on the internet as I've searched around, I found some videos made by "awake" deaf, but without captions. When I slow the speed down, I can understand maybe 15 to 20% of the signs, plus the facial expression and body language helps me string it together. In South America, I mostly had interpreted the JW "talks", so my sending skill far surpassed my receptive skill.
I'll keep looking through the threads for a workmate. If I don't find one, I can still make a video... just giving it my best effort. It should at least open up dialog beneath the video.