You're quite a historian, Anna Marina. That avoidjw website is fabulous, isn't it? Watchtower has been churning out garbage for such a long time. Even the Finished Mystery book (1960's?) had silly, petty things that were heralded as grandiose fulfillments of prophecies. And I thrilled to it. Yep, I waded through Fred Franz' verbiage to understand those golden nuggets of truth. (Sigh) Cults do that to people's power of reason.
So, "The Watch Tower, Herald of Christ's Presence, not Zion's Watchtower". Okay, thanks. The belief system that it presented was the gift that keeps on giving. My grandparents "found the truth" and sadly their three children inculcated Watchtowerism (with all its hypocrisy) into their children, too.