Thanks, diogenesister. Quassia bark has been taken for centuries to fight malaria. I stir a teaspoon of powdered quassia bark into a half cup of water and drink it to kill parasites. Quassia is very bitter. Decades ago, I was in the Amazon region and was bitten mercilessly by Anopheles mosquitos. They can transfer a parasite that causes malaria.
“Another type of malaria, P. malariae, if not treated, has been known to stay in the blood of some people for several decades.”
So, quassia is a wonderful herb to have on one’s bedside table. I would take it immediately if I thought I might have Covid.
From NCBI:
Antimalarial Activity of Simalikalactone E, a New Quassinoid from Quassia amara L. (Simaroubaceae)
We report the isolation and identification of a new quassinoid named simalikalactone E (SkE), extracted from a widely used Amazonian antimalarial remedy made out of Quassia amaraL. (Simaroubaceae) leaves...