“Lloyd Evans then privately took up this issue with Marc and kindly explained to him why he felt he was innocent…
Just kidding.”
I laughed out loud, LMsA.
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“Lloyd Evans then privately took up this issue with Marc and kindly explained to him why he felt he was innocent…
Just kidding.”
I laughed out loud, LMsA.
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That looks great, slimboyfat.
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When "John Cedars" gave the names of everyone on the first AAWA iteration, he provided everyones' real name but his own.
"AAWA is legally incorporated in Arizona. It comprises of an advisory board of eight individuals including...
Barbara Anderson
Richard E Kelly
Paul Grundy (jwfacts)
Mickey Hudson (Danmera)
Bo Juel Jensen
Lee Marsh (Lady Lee)
John Hoyle (Juan Viejo2)
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I found the look-up page, but I can't find anything. Fizzywiglet gives "document number 04184930" below.
fizzywiglet on page 34 of Problems with the "Bogus AWAA Fan Page".
(Over half-way down in a very long post)
"...When others pointed out that Cedars uses his pseudonym on AAWA's official articles of incorporation paperwork, and an address which is not his own, but Richard Kelly's (scroll to the "articles of incorporation" box and click the button labeled "document number 04184930"...it's on page 2 of that document), that seemed to me like it couldn't possibly be legal."
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I’ll make a wild guess that Evans won’t be recycling his “Lloyd Evans Meets the (fill in the blank)” video title format. Aside from our having exhausted the supply of really funny ones, Evans surely wouldn’t want to give us the satisfaction of winning the “best title” competition with the ultimate buzz-kill, “Lloyd Evans Meets His Maker”,... though I’d be interested to hear their exchanges when that happens.
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Slimboyfat, I read Crisis of Conscience online, because it wasn’t available for sale as a hardcopy at the end of 2018. It’s a huge, thick book (for those who haven’t read it) and I probably harmed my eyes reading it in three or four days. And then, amazingly, it became available for sale through Amazon, so I ordered a hardcopy. I was so excited to receive it, and I planned to go back and read certain spots. But, like you, Slimboyfat, I was mortified that a JW might see that I had it. So, I took two sheets of white typing paper and carefully made a book cover to hide the title. My fear was that I might open the door to JWs and they would see the book near my door.
And then I ordered In Search of Christian Freedom. But, within days of receiving the first book, by the time the second book arrived, I had lost my morbid fear of being discovered with Ray Franz’ books by any JW who might show up. That’s how fast I lost my fear of being disfellowshipped. And I didn’t make a book cover for Ray Franz’ second book. :)
P. S. JeffT, I think you would do a great job of writing an overview. And you probably have the managerial skills to delegate pieces of the work to others.
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Slimboyfat, A good proofreader who understands the topic is a valuable asset.
Diogenesister, actuallly, one of the men had told me about Crisis of Conscience decades before I read it. I think that he had been PIMO for a very long time. He could easily have arranged a eulogy for himself if he’d wanted one. He was a lawyer and had argued before the U.S. Supreme Court for Watchtower long ago. No, I think that having no funeral ceremony was his choice.
The other man had been imprisoned during WWII for neutrality and was on his second (JW) marriage. So, again, I believe that he had made the choice himself to have no funeral ceremony. Neither men were newbies being pushed around.
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LMsA, Yes, “so far beyond parody”.
JeffT, Yes. I made the decision to read Crisis of Conscience at the very end of 2018. I read it voraciously, and immediately ordered In Search of Christian Freedom, beginning of 2019. When I saw in CoC that the Governing Body was a farce, that was all I needed to let go of Watchtower. I still had some misplaced loyalty to Watchtower,... thinking that I shouldn’t speak ill of it. But that soon gave way to anger at all they had stolen from me. After reading those two books, I consciously sought out exjw YouTubes that revealed the doctrinal errors in Watchtower. What I’d needed most was to be freed of the mystique that the GB were righteous men, channeling God’s will to his people. They are pompous impostors. And I was “standing at the exit door” when I searched for my first exjw YouTube.
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JeffT, I'm up in the wee hours and finding some other rabbit holes of my own. I Googled the names of some "old friends" that I haven't seen in decades. The ones who have died, seem to have mostly died JW's. However, two elderly JW men choose not to have any funeral ceremony. If their wives stayed JW, and the men woke up, (which is what I suspect) that would be the only solution. I realize that this talk of obituaries is off-topic. I'm just so glad I got out of Watchtower, even though my youth and energy is gone. I get to "digest" what happened to me, and to us. Exjws from ten years ago didn't have our internet access. They had to wake up mostly only with Crisis of Conscience.
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I found this:
(AAWA) Advocates for Awareness of Watchtower Abuses is a legally incorporated educational organization committed to two key objectives: