LMsA, I too marvel that some people see the kind of life Evans leads as having no relevance to their enjoyment of his videos.
I didn't know that Evans owns the house where he had his bunker. That explains a lot.
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LMsA, I too marvel that some people see the kind of life Evans leads as having no relevance to their enjoyment of his videos.
I didn't know that Evans owns the house where he had his bunker. That explains a lot.
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The bunker had a mold problem. However, you ask a pertinent question. We don't know for sure whether or not he was "no longer welcome at his old one". He's filmed some videos in his car. Others here are probably more knowledgeable than me about his new studio.
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In the 1960's, my father said, "They're hoods!" He was referring to low-ranking criminals who, in that instance, were paid to carry out a crime for members of an organized crime group. (Southern USA.)
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LMsA said,
"I know because I infiltrated one such group."
Is it too soon for you to tell us how that went?
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Watchtower needs donations to fight lawsuits and to pay legally imposed penalties. Evans needs donations to sue critics in an effort to silence them. Don't supporters of Watchtower and those who support Evans understand that their donations are just going into the pockets of the court system and privately contracted lawyers?
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Toblerone5, how did you manage to find a picture of him right when he was thinking that?
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...had to look up “woke haters”. Thanks, Thisismein1972.
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Joey Jojo Junior? From "The Simpson's"? I didn't realize that he'd posted here.
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Thisismein1972, I agree. I didn’t know about the existence of Twitter bots. What do they have for breakfast? Where do they live?
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Toblerone5, did you use a photo of Kim Jong Il as Lloyd’s body?