Yes, I’d been wanting to at least be watching when it happened.
“I so wanted the 5000th comment. 😥”
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Yes, I’d been wanting to at least be watching when it happened.
“I so wanted the 5000th comment. 😥”
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Did Watchtower remove both husband and wife from the pioneer role when the husband ceased to qualify? Evans had said, "It was felt that neither of us had been sufficiently pulling our weight in terms of preaching hours..." , but would Watchtower really have kept Dijana as a pioneer when her husband was removed in disgrace? Even if she had been a few hours short, I think they might have overlooked it, had it not been for Evans. I think that Watchtower may have been so ashamed of Evans that they just went ahead and removed them both.
P.S. MeanMrMustard,...and 5000 comments very soon!
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So, Speer's defense was that he hadn't killed any seals?
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On clubbing seals ...I once met an Inuit sister at a KH in the USA mainland. She was wearing a beautiful fur coat. When I remarked on it, she lowered her voice and explained that it was sealskin and that it was the only clothing item she'd kept from her former life when she and her husband had made a living as seal hunters in Alaska. So, I guess this story I've told gives Evans complete moral vindication for his illicit sexual practices.
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Okay. Thanks!
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BettyHumpter, I'm clueless. Please explain the photo to me.
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I can see it all now... Evans approaches his SW's Pimp and asks for proof that she is over 21 years old, and also that she is not being coerced. The Pimp graciously provides him with affidavits confirming this information, even though prostitution itself is illegal. And the Pimp has that document notarized for Evans. The document includes the Pimp's identification and notarized signature.
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Yes, that’s a good illustration, LouGoode. In effect, Evans is still appealing to Watchtower for his credibility and respect, even though we’ve all figured out that Watchtower can’t be trusted and, as a religious authority, deserves no respect. Speaking of Jesus, Luke wrote, “He also told them this parable:“Can the blind lead the blind? Will they not both fall into a pit?”” Luke 6:39. Evans is saying, “Follow me!”, but he is clueless on where he is going.
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Thanks for confirming, Thisismein1972. Watchtower always gives the spin that everything they do is for the spiritual good of the congregation. Once we remove that “red herring”, we can then see the true reason behind each of Watchtower’s moves. As if Watchtower would be spending time and money to train “Lloyd and company” so they could bring more spirituality to those congregations!! Ha! Watchtower just needed more eyes and ears. Lloyd seems to be flattering himself that Watchtower thought he was really hot stuff for them to invite him to MST.
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It sounds as though MST (Ministerial Training School?) was Evans pinnacle of prestige. I read at this link that the MTS was 8 1/2 weeks long.
Maybe they made it shorter at some point? The description of the program sounds to me like the Society was being lied to by bodies of elders in various congregations, so they "trained" men to go into those congregations as spies for Watchtower, to get a different perspective of what was going on from whatever the congregation elders had been telling the Society.