What a sad-looking little Kingdom Hall that is.
On the karaoke bar that Evans enjoys so much,... it makes me think of the American sit-com Cheers! Do you think that “everybody knows your name” applies to Lloyd there?
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What a sad-looking little Kingdom Hall that is.
On the karaoke bar that Evans enjoys so much,... it makes me think of the American sit-com Cheers! Do you think that “everybody knows your name” applies to Lloyd there?
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From Grammarist .com
”To talk out of both sides of one’s mouth means to change one’s advice or opinion depending on who one is talking to or what situation one finds oneself in. For instance, someone who is in the company of people who do not like cucumbers may state that he doesn’t like cucumbers. Later, when he finds himself in the company of people who do like cucumbers, he may state that he does like cucumbers. His opinion is not an honest one; it is a statement he makes to ingratiate himself with the group.”
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Whether the illustrious historical figure or a lesser-known human, it’s always the same evil spirit creature behind lies and debaucheries; hence, Godwin’s law regularly links the two.
“You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires...” John 8:44.
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And Watchtower spins that as some kind of proof of a big increase or of God’s blessing in some way, right?
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I'd never heard of Dr. Goebbels concept of "The Big Lie" before, but it sounds like every conversation I ever had with an elder. Thanks, Diogenesister.
Welcome, Kim. And it's true.
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Was that the hall where Evans had his judicial committee meeting?
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Kim, I saw the photo of you with Raymond Frantz and thought, "How can she be a seasoned professional and be such a cute girl, too?" It's just not right. (Shaking my head.) You've got it all. Enjoy your UK tour and the warm reception of those who know and appreciate you for what you stand.
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TonusOH said,
"If he'd tried to do it ethically, that would've been fine."
No, I disagree. I don't think it would have been "fine" for Evans to have gotten the rights to that book. It wouldn' have been "fine" with me. I think it would have been diabolical for the rights of the book of such an honest and sincere man as Raymond Franz to come to belong to Evans.
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I woke up after reading Crisis of Conscience three and a half years ago. Wouldn't it have been diabolical if Evans' had gotten the rights to that book? Then, every time I would recommend that someone buy and read that book, it would have been money in Evans' pocket. At the time of the dispute, I believed that Evans' was earnestly trying to make available a book that is priceless for freeing Christians from Watchtower. But now, knowing about Evans' immorality and deception, I'm so glad that Debbie Dykstra kept the rights to the book. I'm glad that Evans has no ownership in the book Crisis of Conscience.
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I realize that Evans lawyer in Croatia is duty-bound to maintain confidentiality on Evans' case and their client-attorney conversations. HOWEVER, I think that it would be very interesting to those on this Thread to hear a first-hand report on the ambiance of the law firrm that Evans uses. I don't suppose that we have any forum members in Croatia who might pay a visit to the legal office he uses, which is located near Evans' home?