Today I was watching Major Crimes, an American TV drama/ comedy,... Season 2, Episode 4, called “I, Witness”.
A part of the show’s dialog made me smile because it sounds so much like Evans.
Detective to other detective:
“You know what? The hell with it. I'm gonna arrest him now.
Okay, w-wait! Look. A friend was with me last night.
I told you not to call anybody!
It wasn't just anybody! This is the most amazing woman in the world.
I've known her since we were kids. We've dated off and on since high school, and you can believe her when she says I didn't kill anyone because she is honest, dependable, and absolutely not a prostitute.
"Not a prostitute. " What is her name?
Her name is "Shampagne. " With an "s." And she has a website.
In the entire history of crime, there has never been a reliable alibi witness named Shampagne.