NCC said,
“Lloyd did not admit to going to Thailand every few months.”
Yes, I believe the trip to Thailand was a one-time-thing. We need to keep our facts straight.
original reddit post (removed).
NCC said,
“Lloyd did not admit to going to Thailand every few months.”
Yes, I believe the trip to Thailand was a one-time-thing. We need to keep our facts straight.
original reddit post (removed).
Jeff said,
"The closest they've come so far is a few supreme court cases in the US, and even most Americans don't know much (if anything) about that."
I knew well one of the Watchtower lawyers who had spoken before the Supreme Court. He was the person who told me about the Ray Franz' book. He had read it. And that lawyer became a Watchtower target because the was refusing to go in door to door "service". His wife was a pioneer, and I think he was eventually coerced to go door to door, so as not to be disfellowshipped. (He is now deceased, so I'm not putting him in jeopardy.)
original reddit post (removed).
Wives of other activists would probably be reluctant to send their husbands off on a tour with Lloyd.
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Does anyone here speak Korean or Russian? Please message me.
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Are some of the Lloydivians waking up?
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Is there a place where I can keep up on the filings?
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Do I detect that we’ve had a “lull” in the frequency of comments in the last 24 hours? Has LE not caused any headline-makings news in the last 24 hours?
original reddit post (removed).
When Evans signs a post “Take care”,... is that “Take care” as in, “Watch your back. I’m right behind you.”?
original reddit post (removed).
What would be some examples of activism?
original reddit post (removed).
“The integrity of the upright guides them,
but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”- Proverbs 11:3.
Of Evans, TonusOH said, “This one would be "I am utterly uninterested in what you have to say, now hang on while I log into a different account to read every word."