In every True Crime-type TV show, by the end of the trial, private investigators have usually ferreted out every liaison that a man or woman has had. Then, they get the testimony of each of those persons, enter it into evidence, and put those people on the stand. There is no husband-wife confidentiality between a man and his SW (nor his “date”, “guide”, “translator”, or “girlfriend”). Evans’ reluctance to provide more details is probably because it has finally dawned on him that he forgot to have his acquaintances sign a non-disclosure agreement. But, even if he had done this, I believe that the court could probably over-rule it in a lawsuit.
Case in point: “Federal Court Rules a Class Action Can Now Proceed Against Trump Presidential Campaign’s Use of Illegal Non-disclosure Agreements”.
“The Trump campaign had sought to block plaintiffs from obtaining class discovery and subsequently moving for class certification. The Court rejected those arguments, and its decision allows the plaintiffs to move forward with discovery and to seek class certification.”