At the time that Evans began making YouTube videos about Jehovah's Witnesses, there weren't many in that nitch. Do I have that right? I only woke up a little less than four years ago, so I wasn't watching anything exjw ten years ago. And, ten years ago, there weren't many books about waking up from Watchtower, right? So Evans' made videos and wrote a book at just the right time in history so that he "grabbed the wave", and then he rode it, and rode it. But waves, no matter how exhilarating, eventually carry you to the beach and dump you there. (I did my surfing on an inflatable raft,... but that's beside the point.) Apparently, Evans thinks that the waves "owe" him another good riide.
P.S. Hi Kim. Am I to understand that neither Evans' inlaws nor his wife give him a "prostitute allowance"?