I had an art teacher at community college who was a kind and decent man. He no longer belonged to any religion. But he told us a story of what happened back when he and his wife had belonged to a church. There was a married couple in the church who, due to some disaster, had lost everything financially. Using the church as their platform, they begged for help. My teacher and his wife both worked hard to earn their money, but out of compassion, they made a large donation to the church couple who had “lost everything”. (This was ‘way prior to gofundme.) The next week, the church couple went on stage to thank everyone. The donations had been overwhelming. In his effusiveness while thanking everyone, the husband said, “We are so grateful for your generosity. Why,.. we were afraid that we were going to have to dip into our savings.” My teacher could hardly believe his ears. He and his wife had given “from” their savings, and they had almost wiped out their savings by their donation to that couple. No wonder they quit churches.