Posts by Jayk
Not to toot my own horn...
by Jayk inmy older jw brother tried telling me "you don't take orders very well" which stopped him from inviting me to do a job a make some side cash..we got into a disagreement because recently i started having back problems only while i sleep on my sides.
i think it's because i have a wide back from working out.
once again i explain that and he said "well the job required heavy lifting which is also why i didn't call you" my response being "it's only when i sleep i can still work just don't won't to strain it so i can.
I guess my point is I stay pretty healthy but he does drugs and still is a witness and he still rides a high horse around me. I'm just venting I guess but I find it funny. -
Not to toot my own horn...
by Jayk inmy older jw brother tried telling me "you don't take orders very well" which stopped him from inviting me to do a job a make some side cash..we got into a disagreement because recently i started having back problems only while i sleep on my sides.
i think it's because i have a wide back from working out.
once again i explain that and he said "well the job required heavy lifting which is also why i didn't call you" my response being "it's only when i sleep i can still work just don't won't to strain it so i can.
My older JW brother tried telling me "you don't take orders very well" which stopped him from inviting me to do a job a make some side cash..We got into a disagreement because recently I started having back problems only while I sleep on my sides. I think it's because I have a wide back from working out. Once again I explain that and he said "well the job required heavy lifting which is also why I didn't call you" my response being "it's only when I sleep I can still work just don't won't to strain it so I can." the last time we got in a fight when I was a freshman he was a senior and in about 30 seconds in I tore the ACL in his knee. It was a accident but he fully thinks he can work harder then me.. and he is in some position to be giving orders to me to strain my back without giving me a chance to explain myself. I wanted to say "the job might be heavy lifting for you but....." -
Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
Science cant always trusted because later it can be proven wrong "real academic" is telling us there are multiple genders right now..I'm not getting into that debate but let's be logical. -
Science corner
by The Real Edward Gentry inon other boards and new sites they are talking about contact with aliens in the next 20 years.
i think that would be reckless and dangerous.
how could you tell if it was a genuine space alien and not a demon?
If they where bad and wanted to enslave use it would of happened a long time ago. People will still demonize them and people will still worship them as goods. Any intelligent life would understand there impact on lesser civilization. We would see what really is possible and it would probably launch our focus into space and science.
Adam and the Dinosaurs
by The Real Edward Gentry inhere is a fascinating subject.
according to the bible , one of adam's first assignments was to name all the animals including the sea creatures and dinosaurs of course.
we don't know how long this took but, as all witnesses know, the time period is crucial in working out the timing of armageddon).
stuckinarut. Is that all you have to say?
Adam and the Dinosaurs
by The Real Edward Gentry inhere is a fascinating subject.
according to the bible , one of adam's first assignments was to name all the animals including the sea creatures and dinosaurs of course.
we don't know how long this took but, as all witnesses know, the time period is crucial in working out the timing of armageddon).
I'm glad all the animals have good Christian names
Adam and the Dinosaurs
by The Real Edward Gentry inhere is a fascinating subject.
according to the bible , one of adam's first assignments was to name all the animals including the sea creatures and dinosaurs of course.
we don't know how long this took but, as all witnesses know, the time period is crucial in working out the timing of armageddon).
Maybe we used to be able to speak to animals but we lost the abilities when adam ate the fruit. Makes sense, if a animal (serpent) came to adam and eve and they didnt find it weird that it spoke. -
Did Being a JW Make You a Better Person?
by Boredposter ini heard many times when i was a witness how much "learning the truth" helped people.
many have been said to have become much better people.
addictions were given up.
Alot of higher up people in the congregation have this whole "do as I say not as I do mentality" and it's such a double standard. I saw how bad of a parent my mom was so now I know to do the opposite. -
Casting Out DEMONS
by Cold Steel inif someone believes they're being plagued with demons or they have problems with hauntings, things moving by themselves or hearing voices or footsteps, who they gonna call?
i know they take demons very seriously, so who in the congregation do they go to when they need to bring out the big guns?
do they try to handle it themselves or is this a job for the elders?
My mom was very over protective of us growing up. We knew of a few very crazy things that had gone on with close family friends. -
Was It Really Mental Illness or Was It The Demons?
by minimus inwe supposedly had more than a few “demonized” people in our congregation.
they would hear voices or feel internal punishment within their souls.
the answer was always—-these people were affected by the demons and they needed counseling!.
I've heard a story of a real exorcism not from a JW. Kinda nuts but it sounded legit like the movie minus alot of the head spinning. Supposedly they stopped knowing the demon would try to kill her while leaving the body so they had her committed or something like that. The story was told to me by a women who heard it from the pastors wife who helped her husband with it. She said the pastors wife told her that on one of many sessions the possed lady would be hitting on the pastor or his wife saying some really dirty stuff.