...."the majority of those who receieved tracts will not go to the website"
I'll take it further. The only conceivable reason I could see a non-jw going to the website would be to understand why someone in their social sphere who IS a JW operates a certain way. ...so as not to offend them.
People who are disinterested in religion, are definitely disinterested in a religion that requires a lot of effort.
People who are interested in religion are probably already involved in their own faiths. As a JW, if a Mormon had left you a tract with their website address would you have been running to your computer to check it out?
People who are entertained by religion might go but they'd only be there for the entertainment.
Mass conversions? Ain't gonna happen...
I do not believe that this campaign has anything to do with the conversion of non-jws. I believe the goal is to promote that feeling of purpose amongst the adherents. Keep em busy fulfilling a purpose and they'll feel good about paying for that feeling through their donations.