I attended this weekend as well.
A woman who was clearly disinterested in the baptism was talking to me so it was hard to count and listen to her. It was between 11-13 baptized - about 3600 in attendance. Four appeared to be under 18.
it's utterly boring.
jung from the canadian bethel is drooning on.
may be the worst assembly ever.
I attended this weekend as well.
A woman who was clearly disinterested in the baptism was talking to me so it was hard to count and listen to her. It was between 11-13 baptized - about 3600 in attendance. Four appeared to be under 18.
hello all, things for the most part have been somewhat better for me because my parents haven't talked about baptism or anything recently.
i got a scholarship to go to art camp for a few weeks which has been fun (since its free, my parents didn't refuse) but it has also been very nervewracking for me.
i haven't been around any non jws for more than a year and its like being in a different world, a world where people are actually real and genuine and not mindless drones.
Hi Blackwolf!
Good news from a non JW (me). You don't have to explain any of this to anyone and if they like you, they'll still like you.
Now the bad news. It's been my experience that JWs sometimes say things that are a little different and sometimes unintentionally offend.
If you're saying your parents won't let you be their friends I'm sure eyebrows are rising for a few reasons Not necessary to say that. Become friends and then, if asked to hang out, just tell them you have to do other things that day.
Make friends. You may need them one day.
just finished a walk today i came onto a happy family group of all the generations celebrating a tiny ones birthday.
they all sang ..happy birthday and i sang with my bass baritone the chorus, .."why was she born so beautiful why was she born at all.." silly words but they are happy words.
the family cheered their pleasure at this outsider joining in.
Awww happy birthday!
I'm a soprano so you'll have to use your imagination. 😀
gorby has been offline from jwd for some weeks, and it made my situation not better, have had some serious problems with the fading, much pressure, i have nothing new to say, it must be very similar to the situation of many faders here.. so, i had so much pressure, that we have had to change our holiday booking so we are able to visit the convention, due to family reasons, you all know what i mean.. please wish me (and us) much luck for this summer.
it is not my best summer season in life.. this is how i feel:.
The convention I plan on attending has some decent sightseeing opportunities.
i don't want to miss the parts that offer the most conversational value here on JWC.
Can anyone tell me which morning/afternoon session is the LEAST insane and will be talked about least on these threads?
sorry i thought it was a new morning worship video but it is 6 months old and has already been discussed on here.. it is presented by gb helper k flodin and about this generation.
the delusion and hypocrisy runs deep.. he reminds the cult members not to speculate because they aren't supposed to know the day or the hour.
then he proceeds to speculate that armageddon will occur before 2040.. https://tv.jw.org/#en/video/vodprogramsevents/pub-jwbmw_201511_3_video.
What the heck am I SUPPOSED to take away from this?
the excellent italian ex-jw website geova.org directs its readers' attention to two big news articles on the jw pedophilia problem.
milan-based il corriere della sera is one of italy's most respected newspapers:.
Crap. I'm on a smartphone so the translation feature isn't available. Wonder if the can of worms is opening in Italy? 🤔
has anyone noticed that witnesses (from the top down) seem to have a quiet form of smug arrogance toward all non witnesses?.
perhaps it comes from being told how "special and unique" they are but they end up looking down on all normal members of the community because they are not witnesses.. so any form of "love" they show those in the territory is also limited as long as they accept the message...otherwise they are viewed contemptuously as "worldly" and therefore of little value...after all,they will be destroyed right?.
Ughhh that word ENCOURAGE. Its up there on my annoyance bar with "appreciate."
As a non-JW, I told a JW of a JW suicide.
"That can't be very encouraging," she said.
"Encouraging for.... WHO? ME?" I asked.
"YES! You!" she replied
The callousness for the deceased blew me away. Add the layer of an assumption that the victim was contributing to my failure to accept the WTS as my Lord and Savior and the whole situation became mind boggling.
there are a couple new tabs on the app, one of which is the 'meetings' tab.
can you guess what the other one is?.
A JW posted a meme on Facebook yesterday. It welcomed people to visit their local KH
at the bottom... "No Donations Required"
i'm a little puzzled.
if the wtbts was not approved by jehovah and christ until 1919, does that mean that they were not spirit guided until then?.
if not, that would explain the countless errors in doctrine up to that time.. if, however, they were spirit guided, wouldn't that indicate that they had already been chosen?.
King Freddo! Sounds Royal.
In the WTS study edition being "studied" now is a question from readers segment on this. The question never really gets answered.
Someone help me... What darn difference does it make to the WTS that the year be changed to 1919 and not 1918? What's the real goal?
To me, it would seem pretty important if the Creator of the Universe told me I won a prize. Surely I'd remember the date. 😒
so after the 2 special pioneers visited i thought i had given them an earful about the arc and the pedophile problem in their organization surely they would have put me on the do not call list.. oh, no not my luck i get an elder and his lovely little mute wife with infant child in the stroller this morning at 9 am.
don't these people have a job to go to?
it was a car with 3 men & a woman.. we go through the standard do you read the bible yada yada, i tell them i know the routine very familiar with your game.
Note to self:
when a JW comes to the door grab iPad.
After they ask me about my eternal life, say, "I have a question." Open saved YouTube video of GJ
Ask if they recognize the dude
Make them watch first segment. Ask questions.
Then ask them if they have a smartphone or email.
Ask them if they would mind reviewing the video and returning so that you can ask more questions.
Text or email the video to them.
Agree for them to come the following week.
Part ways knowing you'll never see them again.