JoinedPosts by NeverKnew
time to reboot jwn??? attn. tech49, formerlongtime elder, others.
by nowwhat? infirst of all let me start by saying who am i to judge, but... i understand jwn has completely evolved over the years, but what i would like to see a forum that has current members and former jw's that still live by bible principles and respect the bible, but are not afraid to call out the watchtower on their practices and revised history.
i think quality posters as mentioned above, after venting their frustrations and experiences realize this website is taken over by athiests.
and punk kids-[ see similar post.
Journalistic report from the inside
by StephaneLaliberte ini am presently fading out, and yesterday, the thought occurred to me as to make some sort of journalistic report from the inside.
what i mean is that when you stop and really listen to the type of things the jehovahs witnesses say to one another, i am convince that the population at large would be appalled by what these friendly people actually think when they go door to door.. and while fading out, that would be the perfect time to wear a wire, lets say for a year or so, and then, make a documentary about it.
of course, for this to work, one would have to be very specific and say names.
This is a topic I'm on with a JW this week. Help me understand...
Is the crudeness/arrogance towards others really so unnoticable when you're totally immersed in the culture?
this site sucks! its just a buncha athiest on soap boxes.
by crossquestions6995 inthis site is not a healthy forum for discussion or healing.
its an arena for jaded athiests to bash anything christian or god related.
yes, i know the jw's lied to us about god and the truth.
Ah, the Kingdom Hall of Atheism. That's where I feel like I am as well sometimes.
I'm with crossquestions6995 on this. I've noticed the same. Perhaps I'm contributing to the perception in not entertaining the arguments. I probably have a perception that could be of interest and can't count the number of times I've thought about throwing the metaphorical curve in with an explanation based on other scriptures. The problem is, participating is like going to the KH for a service. I'm okay with a person having a belief (or non-belief) that I don't share. I just can't stand the venom.
It seems that those who bash may once have bought into the notion of the scriptures being entirely literal. That's the WTS's fault given their use of the Bible as the strong arm of laws they're trying to bind on the conscience of the adherents. It seems that once the holes of the literal interpretation of passages such as Noah's Ark and the book of Genesis are realized, there's an entire collapse in a belief in a higher power.
In other denoninations, the literalism of the Scriptures isn't stressed like it seems to be in JWism, so I've figured that's the angst.
Oh, and no, I'm not participating in a "well WHICH parts are metaphorical" discussion. While invited repeatedly, I rarely stay long in the Kingdom Hall of Atheism.
Still love you guys... but you can enjoy your own service. LOL
Planning the xmas party-suggestions needed
by TweetieBird ini am in charge of planning the resident xmas party (300 apartments that i manage) and about 100 to 150 residents will be there.. i already have a musician lined up but need ideas for food, theme, etc.
$400 budget for food, etc.
any ideas?
$400.00 for 100-150 residents? Yikes.... what time is the get-together? Afternoon or evening?
Open Letter (Reposted as a reminder to all)
by Outaservice inan open letter to jehovahs witnesses.
you may not remember, but i know you very well.
i met you a long time ago when you came to my house with your smiling faces, your neat clothes, and your soft voices and a bible tucked neatly under your arm.
bad manic episode-went to hospital
by love2Bworldly inhi-- for those of you who struggle with bipolar & depression, just wanted to share my experiences.
i had a major manic episode last month and spent a week in a phsyciatric hospital, what an experience that was!
not fun.
Love2b: My uncle has a dual diagnosis: Bipolar and schizophrenia. On meds, he's completely within societal norms but without them, he's lost. Please appreciate the loving husband that you have for there are those who don't have anyone in the world to help them. He has scared himself in the past as well so your words resonated with me.
It's not fun, but remembering to take your meds and remaining monitored by your doctor to make sure everything is calibrated properly will go a long way towards normalcy.
I Went To A Catholic Mass Yesterday And What A Waste of Time!
by minimus inthe priest acted as if he was the reason why people were there.
he was about 80 and totally disinterested in the affair although he married the deceased and her husband 15 years earlier.. his sermon's gist was that we need faith to accept that the reason why god has us die is so that we can go to heaven.
and that's it.. the only interesting (touching) time was when the grandkids gave testimonials about their beloved grandma.. oh, and one more thing.
Each "ritual" has a reason. Just like in Judaism.
Prayer shawls and rosaries.
I'm with Botr... it ties back to the Christian community of the early centuries. There's something dignified about that for me as well.
Well it is time for me to say GOODBYE!!!
by mouthy init has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
I'll be praying that some of your relationships with family is repaired, Mouthy.
Log on if you need some strength. We're all here!
For all believers: I have a serious question
by confusedandalone ingod ordered the killing of men women and children and animals and pillaging of various nations around them.
in some instances god apparently led the way with his might arm.. this is not a question of wether it is right or wrong, but moreso a question(s) of:.
1. if you were there would you have personally participated in those killings or would you ignore the commands?.
similar to what would you have done if you were living in nazi germany during the 30s and early 40s (being of germanic descent that is). the answer is, nobody knows. different times, huge pressure, no way out.
I agree. I can't say what rationalization I'd use if convicted in my own righteousness. I'd have to be THOROUGHLY convinced that the message was actually from God and not some insane dictator.
1. If you were there would you have personally participated in those killings or would you ignore the commands?
2. Yes would you personally take out your sword and run it through the belly of a pregnant woman the way your god commanded?
3. Would you have crushed in the skull of your child that was disrespectful to you?
When I read #1, shunning came to mind. I think about the participation of congregations against individuals.
When I read #2, shunning came to mind. I thought of the pregnant females saddened by the knowledge that their mothers and fathers would never develop relationships with their grandchildren.
When I read #3, shunning came to mind. I wondered which was worse, being shunned or dying so as not to have to suffer through knowing you'd never be around those that you loved dearly.
Participating with others in the destruction of another physically, mentally OR emotionally is wrong in my eyes, but I've read it's condoned in some circles. *sigh*
Btw, I'm a theist.
Elder blows a head gasket
by Crazyguy inok so today while at breakfast get a phone call fom my daughter asking were i am because an elder/ friend had stoped by my house hoping to see me.
its been a few months since ive seen this guy and the only one that seems to actually care.
so anyway he meets me at were i was having breakfast and we start to talk.
So I ask my jw, "you mean I can't understand the Bible without the wt and I can't understand the wt's/awakes unless I go to the meeting?!" jw-"Yes! now you got it!" me-why the hell bother with handing out stuff people can't understand then?- crickets, change the subject.
Oh, so true.
I went to a few meetings, then asked questions about the presentation's contents with respect to the Bible and guess what the results from elders and others were?
As a non-jw, I mentioned my concerns about Christ not being my mediator and a pompous 'sister' loudly said, "You're obviously confused! Don't you read your Bible?" I smiled as she rolled her eyes. Maybe one day she'll figure it out and remember our conversation. I used to be appalled by these types of conversations but because I have a better grasp of the mindset, I'm now entertained by it.