I'm in an area that seems to be densely populated with JWs.
Everyone I ask is giving me the same location but a different date for attendance.
Even congregations in the same hall are assigned to different dates.
so i found where the places and dates are listed on the jw site, and there are 2 listed for my city.
is there any way to find out which "region" is assigned to which?
i want to know which ones the locals are assigned to.
I'm in an area that seems to be densely populated with JWs.
Everyone I ask is giving me the same location but a different date for attendance.
Even congregations in the same hall are assigned to different dates.
we were always told that as witnesses we were "sincere bible students".... carefully examining the scriptures.. yes, we were indeed taught much about the content of the bible, it's history, prophecies etc..... but it was always from one perspective....that of the society.
when the society changed its interpretations, we had to do the same..... so were we really "bible students", or "society students"?.
just a thought.....
As a non JW, I can't even begin to tell you how hard it is to do comparison scriptures with my JW friends to have real discussions. No matter how humbly I approach, there is a wall I have a tough time penetrating.
I know they're told everyone is wrong over and over so as I approach, i feel like their ears switch to Charlie Brown teacher mode and their comprehension levels plummet.
Its so frustrating.
does anyone know what the campaign in october is going to be about?.
Not much to worry about.
As a non JW who suffers through a meeting here and there, eventually someone from the R&F will say something totally insulting and we won't come back
We will feel the coldness of the room and we won't come back
We will figure out there aren't refreshments after (like some churches) and we won't come back
We will be totally uninspired by the awful music and we won't come back
There's absolutely no holding us there.
Hilariously without a plate being passed, we will be happy NOT to contribute to the world wide walking project.
Won't yield much that will last. I guess they'll cut down on the insults.
Maybe they are practicing alternate techniques for Memorial invites to get the numbers up? Or maybe they'll suggest that people who attend for then be begged to attend for the Memorial... You know... To get the numbers up. 😒
someone close to me has been brought up as a jw since a very early age.
he's now looking to exit.
he was baptised as a teen and is now early 20s.
I'm a non JW too and have been studying the exJW and JW worlds closely for years. I have friends and relatives in this group and really never thought much of it in terms of understanding who they really were. To us, they're the polite people who try to bring us to God (how sweet).
uh uh
Many stand before us with broken families, anxious hearts, and burdens due to a lack of education and sub par employment to suggest that their experience is the only way to salvation.
I suspect you're going to see, first hand, that which we'd perceive as cruelty beyond belief. That kid may be about to go through an earthly hell.
Pm me if you'd like to talk one day.
hi friends,it has been 20 years that i've slaved for the wt and through out the past couple of years i could feel myself fighting an urge to accept that something was not right.
i fought it off for so long only for it to resurface frequently throughout my years of pioneering, assembly/convention parts, & speaking with people about the "truth", slaving and giving to try to be a "spiritual person" but in reality i was not spiritual because spirituality (according to the org) is doing all of the things they want you to do.
which then will label you as spiritual... no !!!
Defianttruth very nicely laid out a systematic way of deconstructing a tightly held core belief.
Another poster recommended you do the same for the elements that you believe might be "iffy" and I agree.
“The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.”
Proverbs 18:17 ESV
the problem is i have a baptized witness going out on service door to door giveing comments at kh who for the last 4 years has had sex with at least 10 prostitutes and regularly takes drugs ie speed the cong has no idea he's doing this he says he will never go to elders for fear his family will shun him if df so he continues i know because he tells me everything should i tell the elders or not.
poopie how old are you?
Is this Seriously a question?
Grow up. Mind your own business
anyone else at this zone visit?.
more higher education bashing, with an embellished "experience"...... more quoting prov 4:18 out of context.. faithful and discreet slave definitions etc..... all the new "understandings" since 2012...... .
we are already in the great tribulation...?.
Did I just find out that the Earth is in an invisible tribulation?
How come Australia gets that news first?!?
i ran into an older sister who has always been very sweet.. it was a friendly chat...yet she pushed for a reason why my family have been missing from meetings for some time.
the question was deflected, until it just had to be said: "well, there have been some troubling and disturbing issues about the society especially the way things were handled during the royal commission, as well as many other issues".. she quickly cut in and said "but why would you want to know these things?
its best not to research and look at those sort of things - so we don't get upset!".
A very dear friend tries to guilt me into not sharing TTATT with them declaring that it brings them down, isn't encouraging and doesn't make them feel good.
Do they care about how the What Does The Bible Teach book make non-JWs feel? And if not, why not?
But everyone's supposed to make THEM feel good?
i believe it's taking place as i type this.
just curious if anyone knows what's it's about.
just want to prepare myself for it in case my father should bring it up.
The persecution by the ARC?
i have looked around and i don't see this covered, so i am starting a thread.. 1) the new "blood card" goes beyond being just a "blood card".. 2) a new edict concerning compliance.. pay attention to the changes.. first, the new card is termed "advance decision to refuse specified medical treatment".
the big change with the card itself is that it includes an 'override' of your "power of attorney".
this is huge.
The one document suggests you keep a copy of the form with your Will.
I can think of only one reason to do this... To inform your lawsuit seeking non JW relatives of your directive.