I love these, Blondie!
JoinedPosts by NeverKnew
Blondie's Highlights of the 7-17-2016 WT Study (Personal Decision)
by blondie inblondie’s highlights from the july 17, 2016 wt study (2016) (how do you make personal decisions?.
excellent general website: www.jwfacts.com .
1914.... current significance?
by NeverKnew init seems that when i ask witnesses questions about 1914, they really don't understand the relevance to their message today.
i am told that they preach about the coming kingdom and that they don't preach a message of 1914. if a person doesn't understand 1914 then i can clearly see how showing them the inaccuracies of the doctrine wouldn't matter.
can we compile a list of ties 1914 has to their current beliefs?.
I need help.
It seems that when I ask witnesses questions about 1914, they really don't understand the relevance to their message today. I am told that they preach about the coming kingdom and that they don't preach a message of 1914. If a person doesn't understand 1914 then I can clearly see how showing them the inaccuracies of the doctrine wouldn't matter. Can we compile a list of ties 1914 has to their current beliefs?
Nobody at work knows what JWs believe
by Athanasius inrecently susie, one of my co-workers mentioned that her husband's family were all jws.
the family converted after susie's husband left home, so he never joined the jws, nor does he intend to.
anyway another co-worker asked her: "what do the jws believe?".
This thread is hilarious to me. I've had a ton of exposure to several denominations growing up. I'm a non JW.
Before my real exposure, at 35, the only thing I really knew about JWs was that they didn't vote.
A friend and theologian recommended I read a book called "Witnesses of Jehovah" after some came to the door. Looking back, after reading that book which delved into WTS history, I knew more about their history than many JWs do.
Bravo watchtower
by hoser inthey did an excellent job of the first day of convention.
i grade them a+ in shunning your dfd children.
How long do you guys expect this mindset to "stick"?
I've read it has a 2 week impact on other threads. Do you agree?
After 15-17 years JW daughter coming by for a visit today.
by James Mixon inis something going on in jw land i don't know about.
she and her new husband and my two.
grand daughters, one i have never seen.
My fear for you would be the possibility of being put on the radar and then eventually in their crosshairs.
Good news to Judgement message?
by punkofnice ini noticed in the 'bunker video(tm)' from the latest a$$emb£y/con-vention whatever it's called, that the patronising bloke with the greasy hair, said that the great tribulation(tm) started after their message changed from good news to judgement (i think he did, anyway).. does the watchtower corporation really think that anyone listens to their propaganda?.
do they really think they are able to stand behind a trolley and give a message of judgement?.
how do they think the message will change?.
And on that note, is the good news that I will live on earth for a thousand years if I become a JW?
...and won't I live on the earth as a resurrected non-JW whether I join them or not? If that is the case, why become a JW?
I still don't understand what the good news is if the result is the same
"Bible Teach" book study--is it real?
by AmyWatson916 injw's want to begin a study through their new "what does the bible really teach?
" book.
should a non-jw study with them just to point out the contradictions and muddled thinking in the book?
Amy are you in the US?
Introduction - Any Believers?
by Believer ini’ve been reading it for a few of years off and on, but have been a little too ... maybe ... timid to join.
i left the watchtower organization almost 20 years ago but never abandoned my faith and belief in god.
i knew the gb/organization didn’t represent god, so when i lost my faith in them, i managed to keep my faith in an all wise benevolent creator.
I'm a believer as well Non and never been a JW and do not understand the need to subscribe to one system.
I attended Jewish summer camps and after school programs in elementary school, a Presbyterian middle school, a Catholic High School, a Catholic University, was confirmed Episcopalian but regularly attend Baptist churches.
Growing up I never realized what a blessing all that was until I met my JW cousins and started revisiting friends I had known were JWs.
....And here I am.
Fierce controversy over pastor's remarks about Orlando attack
by opusdei1972 inhttp://www.cbsnews.com/news/mass-shooting-orlando-gay-club-pulse-fierce-controversy-over-pastors-remarks-about-orlando-attack/.
Roger "Jimenez" ...African American.
... uneducated dumbass?
😏 *ahem*
I got a new JW tract on my front door called "Who really controls the world?"
by Iamallcool inhave you received the same thing on your door?
i wish that i am still at the gated community where i lived there for more than 6 years, i received zero jw garbage!
Carol, if I could give your post 4,000 likes I would. I think they talk more about Satan and his ways more than Jesus. 😒
It was explained to me that Satans rulership began in 1914. The world just didn't notice.