FOG = Fear, Obligation, Guilt. All of that basically sums up the watchtower mindset. I have loved ones that are still in and they feel guilt about not doing enough and afraid of Armageddon, wondering if they will die or not. I feel sorry for those ones, I used to be one. That is no way to live.
JoinedPosts by HereIgo
The Great Watchtower Guilt Trip
by pale.emperor inas im sure almost all of us on here are ex-jw, we all know first hand how well the watchtower used the power of guilt to manipulate our thoughts and actions for the entire time we were active witnesses.
guilty for not going on the ministry enough.. guilty for not trying harder while on the ministry.. guilty for not turning up for hall cleaning that time.. guilty for saying a swearword.. guilty for looking at a porno mag.. guilty for masturbating through my teens (i thought i was the only one who did!).
guilty for thinking the gb is wrong on a certain thing.. guilty for touching my girlfriend there... even though we've been dating for 3 freakin years and not had sex (thats not natural imo).. guilty for not following along in the watchtower magazine on sunday.. guilty for not studying.. guilty for nodding off during the 8 hour convention.. guilty for my mind wandering during the talks.. guilty for thinking of sister so-and-so.. the list goes on.
Nice. Another KH sold to Babylon the great. I guess they deal with the world when it means making money.
New member
by NinaCee ini did not see a newbs thread to introduce myself, so my apologies if i'm in the wrong place.
i was a 3rd generation born in witness for 30 years until i was disfellowshipped back in 2007 for making a mistake.
my entire life up until that point was based on and circled around the society, and even though at first i really enjoyed my freedom (i still do), the fact is that i'm still struggling with cognitive dissonance, resentment, and loneliness.. i miss my family all the time.
Welcome Ninacee, most if not everyone here can relate to your feelings. I have been out now for about 6 years and will never go back for the same reasons you listed in your post. You have made the right decision, just continue to stay strong although you feel lonely, in time it will get better.
My Mother reach out to me AGAIN!
by HereIgo inabout 3 weeks ago i created a thread due to my mom reaching out to me (we hadn't talked in over 2 years due to typical jw politics).
well, today she reached out again thought facebook messenger saying " i'm so sorry i hurt you my beautiful baby boy.
i'm hurting very much also.
Hello all,
About 3 weeks ago I created a thread due to my mom reaching out to me (we hadn't talked in over 2 years due to typical JW politics). Well, today she reached out again thought facebook messenger saying " I'm so sorry I hurt you my beautiful baby boy. I'm hurting very much also. No matter what I love you, always remember that."
I asked why are you hurting?
She said " Because I love you, but our difference keep us apart"
I replied,
"They only will if you let them. Because I could be the most sinful person on planet earth and yet you would still talk to me if I was never baptized. But, because I made the decision to get baptized at age 16, barely old enough to drive, I am being responsible for it. At the end of the day, I believe we have to walk our own path and be responsible to God directly and I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is being accountable to imperfect men. Men, who I have seen say and do things that are not so Christian. Being "imperfect" is an excuse you can only use so far when you claim to be God's mouthpiece. I'm not the only one. I believe half of witness have doubts. The question is, who is afraid to speak up? Who is afraid to lose family? I've never been a follower."
She never responded back.
Did I come across too strong? Do you think what I said was thought provoking enough? Thoughts?
Did you ever experience true kindness in the Org?
by HereIgo ini remember when i was about 17, i started shunning an older brother because he was disfellowshipped.
when i graduated high school, he pulled me aside and said " i know you are not supposed to talk to me, but i want you to have this" it was a gift that he had custom made for me.
i was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before.
I agree, the ones that showed genuine kindness and compassion were ones that did not have titles or privileges. The ones that struggled to make the meetings and had real life problems. These ones always treated me the best and the ones I was most close to.
JW's arrogant as f...?!
by Alostpuppydog inhas anybody else noticed that almost all the jdubs are super arrogant?
i mean even from just the basic ones to especially the elders and the overseers omg.
they act like they are so high and mighty that you should just worship them.
oh yes, arrogance is part of JW life. I hate to say it but I was guilty of it at one point, I think most of us were. The org brainwashes you to think you are better than the world and if you have a position in the org, then you are better than some of the friends who don't have privileges. It's all about appearance as a jdub.
A Brother refusing to pray?
by HereIgo ini remember there was a brother in my congregation while i was in who would comment at all meetings but if asked to pray at a meeting or meeting for service he would always politely refuse.
i always found it odd, i assumed as a young bro, that a bro was kind of obligated to pray if asked.
knowing what i know now, it could have been a guilty conscience or maybe he just wanted to be lowkey.
Wasenelderonce, that also is a very likely reason. Just not into it
How many times did you see a JW start a business
by karter inwith the intention of spending less time working and more time in f.s i saw this many times.
an ex c.o started a carpet cleaning business with the charter being spending less time working more time in f.s.
he has long since passed away and the company is now huge being the major player in flood resteration and employing 100's of people one of the owners i spoke to recently was sick due to using to many chemicals but carries on becouse he loves the money even though he's worth millions.
I personally only have known of a just a few brothers to start their own business. One brother was an architect and had a business in that industry. A few other brothers had small window cleaning business etc, nothing to get rich off of, just enough to maintain.
Did you ever experience true kindness in the Org?
by HereIgo ini remember when i was about 17, i started shunning an older brother because he was disfellowshipped.
when i graduated high school, he pulled me aside and said " i know you are not supposed to talk to me, but i want you to have this" it was a gift that he had custom made for me.
i was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before.
I remember when I was about 17, I started shunning an older brother because he was disfellowshipped. When I graduated high school, he pulled me aside and said " I know you are not supposed to talk to me, but I want you to have this" It was a gift that he had custom made for me. I was so blown away, we never even had a real conversation before. I felt like such an asshole, even back then. It goes to show how corrupt the Org is and how far just simple christian kindness will go.
A Brother refusing to pray?
by HereIgo ini remember there was a brother in my congregation while i was in who would comment at all meetings but if asked to pray at a meeting or meeting for service he would always politely refuse.
i always found it odd, i assumed as a young bro, that a bro was kind of obligated to pray if asked.
knowing what i know now, it could have been a guilty conscience or maybe he just wanted to be lowkey.
Joey Joe, im starting to to agree that reproof was the reason. I was so young and naïve when I was in the org, I didn't know any better. He was an older bro, never gave talks from the platform, but was at meetings and always commented, which is why I doubt the nerve theory, otherwise I doubt he would even comment. He was a very intelligent man who im sure could give a prayer quite easily. Its interesting all of the rules and discipline that happens behind the scenes.