JoinedTopics Started by dkztcequ
Watchtower article about shooting at hall?
by dkztcequ indoes anyone know if it is mentioned in one of the old watchtowers about someone who made off with someones wife, both of whom were shot at the hall by the woman's husband?
someone told me this was in a watchtower, but i cannot find it..
Meeting attendance for elders
by dkztcequ inwhat is the minimum meeting attendace for someone, who is of good health, has not children doesn't work in a job that requires travel and lives about 3 miles from the kh?
is 50% for clam and 75% for watchtower acceptable?.
Letter of Introduction
by IMHO indoes anyone know about the legalities of sending a letter when you move congregation, that in many cases contains a pack of lies about you and claiming they can't show you it as it's 'confidential'?