I cant stand listening to Lett! he is nauseating! Worse yet is this:
Women: - don't voice the thought of wanting to be what you are not cut out to be
- never want to be what you are not equipped to be
What disgusting statements these are; I would be outraged if I had not heard them my whole life.
Women cannot lead (Cleopatra, Angela Merkel, Queen Elizabeth I), women cannot teach (Helen Keller, Mother Teresa), women cannot excel (Roberta Bondar, Amelia Earhart, Serena Williams), women cannot fight (Joan of Arc, Sojourner Truth).
You are right GB - women should not even try....they are hopeless. Lets not forget that most of these women I have named rose to their greatness, became outstanding in their fields etc - all while being oppressed by the likes of you gents.
And all you JW faithful women if you do come to realize you are smarter or better then these men determining your fate, don't you dare voice it or for that matter think about it, because that means you are crossing over your gender and are on the verge of homosexuality. What bunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Disgusting the whole lot of them.