Even though I was baptized, I faded away and was never disciplined in any manner. Except along came "July 15, 1985 WT, the Governing Body applied the injunction in 2 John 10 (against antichrists) to those that disassociate themselves. No mention at all is made of the context of this passage (verse 7 tells us that these ones deny Christ as come in the flesh). Nevertheless, the penalty meant for true apostate teachers is now applied to ANYONE disassociating himself. The article is not specific as to whether this total shunning is to be carried out with relatives living in one's own home or not.
The Witnesses are then counseled not to even say a simple greeting to such ones, and to avoid having them in their houses at all."
My apostasy was of fading away and minding my own business, I was shunned by my family. At some point (my memory fades as well) the org once again reversed it's policy and my family came calling.
So I voted Yes.
Although the hurt and damage was already done, I did want to have a relationship with my family.