The pompous and arrogant demeanors come directly from their leaders. Just look at tight pants.
what an arrogant thing to say.. "you shouldn't complain about us knocking on your door.
you should worry when we stop.".
wish i had a snappy response to shove up their pompous ass every time i hear a jw spew this..
The pompous and arrogant demeanors come directly from their leaders. Just look at tight pants.
....are needed by tuesday 19 september 2017 !your voice in the white house.
we the people ask the federal government to tell us what the federal government is doing about an issue: investigate watchtower bible and tract society for known child sexual abuse within its organization and not reported.. created by h.c. on august 20, 2017. save the children!
pass a law to protect children.
Nothing for Canada?
Uhh...yes? Just weed. Bwaaahhhaaaa
hey are there people here from calgary, edmonton, vancouver or anywhere in between these cities??
You prefer Deadmonton?
hey are there people here from calgary, edmonton, vancouver or anywhere in between these cities??
hey are there people here from calgary, edmonton, vancouver or anywhere in between these cities??
i have noticed, from reading posts on this and other related websites, what to me is an alarming practice taking place within the jw's.
and that is the baptism of kids.. on a recent discussion posted by pe ( video of the girl now forced to shun her sister) this child was baptised at 9 years old.
all of us who were baptised at a much older age know of the many questions one needs to give serious consideration and understanding of to become eligible for baptism, not to mention the two baptism questions asked before being dunked.. surely the organisation must know that children of such a young age are not mature enough to fully grasp the seriousness, demands and consequences of making such a decision.. another point; if jesus is the example to follow, then why did he only get baptised at age 30, and he was perfect!.
I was 14. It was the summer of 1975. Need I say more?
the song is supposedly about marveling at god's creation but instead includes over the top adoration of the elders, conventions, and family worship.
lol getting a brother who sounds like a wannabe josh groban only adds to the cheesiness.
OK - Only made it through the first minute. Total Yuk.
it's been a while since i posted life updates.
this time we are having a baby boy come along in a few months.
off course nothing is ever easy, my wife is extremely anemic to the extent we are being referred to a hematologist for iron and/or packed red blood cells and potential full blood transfusions.
As they say - "Let's review....It's a CULT"!
CULT indoctrination seems to always remain to one extent or another.
Congrats on your baby, and all the best for your wife and son.
w78 3/1 p. 18 par.
15 - "when was god’s son made a king-priest like melchizedek?
this was 40 days after his resurrection from the dead, [33 c.e. - My Book of Bible Stories - Story 104:
"After Jesus says this, an amazing thing happens. He begins going up into heaven, as you can see here. Then a cloud hides him from sight, and the disciples don’t see Jesus again. Jesus goes to heaven, and he begins to rule over his followers on earth from there."
Good News From God - Lesson 7:
"God’s Kingdom began ruling in 1914. * Jesus’ first action as King was to throw Satan and his demons down to the earth. Satan became furious and began causing trouble throughout the earth."