Don't believe most of what you read in the Watchtower
Or that Booze Rutherford foretold of the internet - wait! maybe he was channeling!!!
Don't believe most of what you read in the Watchtower
Or that Booze Rutherford foretold of the internet - wait! maybe he was channeling!!!
i've been lurking here for a couple of weeks now.
i'm starting to "awaken" and it is all that has been occupying my mind.
i've always, always had doubts, some of which i expressed to family members who always had the same replies:.
As they say "It's a cult".
You will recognize that as 'truth' soon enough. My mother used to always say to me "I can't believe people think we are a cult". She used actual cult mentality, because JW's are taught NOT to question anything, NOT to read any other literature etc. even though 1 John 4:1, 1 Thes 5;21 and Matt 7:15-20 instruct us to 'test the spirits'.
Not gonna lie - it takes a loooong time to rid oneself of the brainwashing.
last night my wife prepared dinner.
chicken and veg.
as she was cooking the chicken it gave off the most vile smell.
smart cat
in may 1983, a jehovah's witness woman worked as a governess for william plunkert who worked at the us embassy in moscow.. moscow charges cia link to religious activist.
william plunkert was a cia operative during his time in moscow:.
how the cia ran a ‘billion dollar spy’ in moscow.
Just love this sleuthing stuff you do OrphanCrow
on about 2 occasions after uploading my comment, i noted that the end of sentences appear to be cut off.
this is what i see i don't know if my post also appears that way to others.. this seems to happen especially when long urls/web addresses are included in my post.. i always select the "full screen" icon from the menu at the top of the comment box in order to view my comment in full screen mode so as to make sure that all of the information is visible, yet, on uploading my comment, the end of sentences appear to be cut off.. also, in order to make sure that i have included everything i want to state, i sometimes type my comment in ms word on my laptop or in a draft e-mail on my phone then copy & paste it into the comment box.
some of these pre-typed comments have included long urls/web addresses and the end of sentences appear to be cut off in this instance as well - don't know if pre-typing my comment in a word processor and then cutting and pasting it into the thread has anything to do with the problem.. i tried to correct the situation after uploading: i used the editing feature to delete my post.
same here Magnum
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
oh dubstepped - you pushin buttons?
makes me crazy:.
there: go over there!.
their: they own it; belonging to etc.. for the love of pete - use them correctly!.
Makes me crazy:
There: Go over there!
They're: They are
Their: They own it; belonging to etc.
For the love of Pete - use them correctly!
what is this world coming to?.
it seems like everyone is being accused of sexual improprieties!
even porn stars like the hedgehog “.
silentbudda - please never stop being a gentleman.
a really moving testimony.
maybe some one can post it here, "monica singleton..awakening from the jehovah's witness nightmare".
posted nov. 11,2017 12:41 min........
Her description of the sinking feeling, and the room getting darker and darker - but still able to hear everything around her is what I call a kind of panic attack. I have had a few of those in my life during extreme stress.
Goodness knows she has a reason to be stressed. Nothing like when you find out you have been lied to your whole life.