I seem to recall the name coming from Russel's view of the Pyramid of Giza as "God's Stone Witness".
Was this not the actual origin of the name? So whether or not they actually 'witness' is yes a misnomer, IMHO.
i ask this because from what i read on this board lately is that they jw`s seem to be very reluctant to engage in conversation with anybody nowadays and are only interested in placing literature at carts.. and if anyone brings up questions in their d2d work that challenge them ( like the arc ) they will promptly excuse themselves and move on.
also didn`t jesus say "this good news of the kingdom would be preached in all the inhabited earth " for a witness ?.
when was the last time you heard a jw speak about "the good news of the kingdom" ?
I seem to recall the name coming from Russel's view of the Pyramid of Giza as "God's Stone Witness".
Was this not the actual origin of the name? So whether or not they actually 'witness' is yes a misnomer, IMHO.
the life saving message of death and gloom brought to a town centre near to you!.
Oh come on you guys - - - - they are reading the NWT on their phones.
seen in the 03/2018 watchtower study :.
"during the 2017 service year, more than 284,000 “rightly disposed” individuals symbolized their dedication to jehovah by water baptism.".
perhaps they are less picky these days? Don't mean to disparage this fellow but... this is Mickey Garcia. DJ, music producer. He tweeted yesterday how proud he was to be a baptized JW as of 171202. Same picture on his twitter profile.
the mind numbing gilead graduation part 1/part 2 will now replace the usually fast moving, lets get this family worship over with, monthly broadcasts several times a year.
praise jehovah for giving us 7 men, who put their underwear on one leg at a time like the rest of us, to help us keep pace with god's sovereign and celestial chariot.
barf.. https://tv.jw.org/#en/mediaitems/webhomeslider/pub-jwb_201712_1_video.
would he be disfelowshipped for talking to df persons?.
LOL - Sparrowdown; dang near spit out my coffee
have you seen this?
sounds like a total witch hunt in hull.
'rose' sounds a nasty piece of work.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ux9w652ylyu.
Can you say 'Scientology tactics' ???
interesting development in russia... according to this article on youtube, it appears that children that are subjected to being involved in banned social or religious groups can be removed from their parents..
just wondering what anyone knows about this group:.
Just wondering what anyone knows about this group:
according to the watchtower:.
who received the ransom payment?.
why did the ransomer need to be paid?.
Actually I did not read too much into it - I had a good chuckle though
according to the watchtower:.
who received the ransom payment?.
why did the ransomer need to be paid?.
Thanks for being so long suffering with those of us not so well versed.