Mom n Dad never saved for retirement (not that they had much), but they did say to me "we just never thought we would need to, we never thought we would still be here".
Makes me cry.
this afternoon, i had a vision.
one of the past, present and future.. .
over the past two decades, i recall one distinct, universal phrase being uttered by older jehovah's witnesses on many different occasions:.
Mom n Dad never saved for retirement (not that they had much), but they did say to me "we just never thought we would need to, we never thought we would still be here".
Makes me cry.
I love the clear view of the donation box just inside the entrance. Perhaps we are the only ones who would identify what it was.
the star has a previous first-look production deal with the network to produce unscripted series following the success of her emmy-winning show “leah remini: scientology and the aftermath.” according to the hollywood reporter, remini will produce a special for the network during the break following season 3 of the acclaimed docuseries.. it notes that jehovah’s witnesses, while based on biblical teachings, have come under fire over the years for similar practices to the church remini left years ago.
for example, practices of ousting or shunning members who have dissenting views, a blanket refusal to participate in politics and government as well as not celebrating christmas or birthdays are all things that the special will reportedly cover.
additionally, the religion has predicted the literal end of the world several times, obviously to no avail.. .
You can bet the WT is scripting the instructions to the congregations as we speak. "'Don't watch this harmful anti - Jehovah propaganda." "These shows are nothing but harmful lies" "Ms Remini would have you believe we are a cult, like Scientology. We are nothing like that cult"
Not sure how many active JW's will watch - but the rest of us sure will.
i have to say that the talk was very good.
instead of just repeating a jw manual , the speaker actually spoke about my brother!
there were a few scriptures with the jw hope but 80 % of the talk was actually about the life of my brother.
AudeSapere - thats what we did. Got about 3 minutes about the loved one and 27 minutes preaching. GRRRRRR
my father died a couple of months ago.
he'd been ill for some time and had many health scares and heart troubles over the years but always managed to keep on going.
then one time he didn't.. i'm glad i got to know him again and spend some more time with him after so many years missed because of the wts but those years will always be lost forever.
many have said that jesus never shunned anyone.
yet it seems that the apostle paul said to shun an unrepentant sinner, "stop keeping company" and "not even eating with such a man" 1co 5:9-12. it seems like shunning is what paul wanted us to do.
but honestly, it doesn't seem right to me.
Reading this made me laugh out loud. Even though one knows about, understands the extent of and is not surprised by the hypocrisy of the WT, it never the less continues to make me shake my head.
How quick are they to point their fingers at the religions of the world, religions that they say practice false teachings and in the same breath practice the exact same 'sin'.
It is stomach churning to me to read some of the things that they preach and then ultimately deny.
Cult in deeds & indeed.
hey forum goers.
i'd like your opinions on constructing an email reply to this shocker below.
bit of background about the sender: she is a middle-aged, cheery uberdub whose siblings left when a schism occured in her congregation in canada way back when.
What Finkelstein said.
Hit me like a ton of bricks
"Two child-sized mannequins were posed nearby, with copies of Bible lessons nestled in their plastic hands. In front of them was a small sign with four words:
Please Do Not Touch."
... a woman has been filmed in the gym wearing gym clothes.
at least, according to the daily mail.. the deeply conservative (that's polite speak for 'religious and demented') kingdom has apparently closed the gym down and threatened to prosecute the person who filmed the gorgeous young woman in lycra.. although i believe that female gym users can wear gym gear in any gym, what's especially ludicrous is: she was filmed in a female gym!.
i don't know what to say, i'm genuinely lost for words .... she's got a nice arse..
after listening to the leaked videos this is what i think it’s all about.
first i don’t believe they will want to much personal information ie bank accounts etc do to potential legal problems down the road.
what i think is their goal is once all publishers are in the data base they then have no need for written information about any issue concerning a publisher and how issues are handled by elders and the branch etc... this information now is in their own data base and can be deleted or manipulated by them at any time.
What records if any would they have on me? Baptized in 1975, and faded in 1979. Have not been back since, though my parents have remained in and I went once a year to the memorial to please my now deceased mother.
Probably none - but i thought I would ask you kind folks for your opinions.