Oh Doubter, here you go:
w74 12/1 pp. 717-719 United
Nations—Religion’s Friend or Foe?
Revelation 17:9-11, a scarlet-colored wild beast was shown in vision to the apostle John. On the beast’s back was a harlotrous woman, “Babylon the Great.”
The world peace and security organization, known first (when it “was”) as the League of Nations, was formed after World War I. It went into the abyss in 1939, when it was shown to be powerless to stop World War II (thus it ‘was not’). Then, in 1945, it ‘ascended’ under a new name, the United Nations. How is it a “disgusting thing” in God’s sight? Most noticeable is the fact that it has a symbolic harlot, an unclean woman, riding it. Also, being formed by the worldly powers and held up, especially by Christendom and its religions, in place of God’s kingdom as the hope for world peace and security, it is a “friend of the world,” making it an “enemy of God.”—Jas. 4:4; John 18:36.