JoinedPosts by blisterfeet
JW’s do NOT shun... (apprently)
by pale.emperor inmy quora campaign of answering all jw related questions truthfully with evidence is going well.
however, one jw had the audacity to claim that "jws do not shun".
they seem to want to present a fake, squeeky clean image to non-members and seem to get angry when answering questions regarding shunning.. like this asshole, dennis cybulski.
its said that "the JW dont break up families" because the people that leave are "mentally diseased" and those people are breaking up families. it has NOTHING to do with the Watchtower or anything they teach... (I wish sarcasm translated better) -
JW’s do NOT shun... (apprently)
by pale.emperor inmy quora campaign of answering all jw related questions truthfully with evidence is going well.
however, one jw had the audacity to claim that "jws do not shun".
they seem to want to present a fake, squeeky clean image to non-members and seem to get angry when answering questions regarding shunning.. like this asshole, dennis cybulski.
I was baptized and never DF or DA, I'm being shunned. My sister was DF and is not shunned. My niece and nephew were both never baptized. Nephew is shunned niece is not.
The inconsistency offends me the most. Sometimes the rules apply and sometimes they don't.. And their twisted reasoning always makes some back-ass sense to them.
JW’s do NOT shun... (apprently)
by pale.emperor inmy quora campaign of answering all jw related questions truthfully with evidence is going well.
however, one jw had the audacity to claim that "jws do not shun".
they seem to want to present a fake, squeeky clean image to non-members and seem to get angry when answering questions regarding shunning.. like this asshole, dennis cybulski.
there is also this one available. Loyally Uphold Jehovah’s Judgments—Shun Unrepentant Wrongdoers
So which is it? they DO NOT shun or they do.... looks like they are confused too.
JW’s do NOT shun... (apprently)
by pale.emperor inmy quora campaign of answering all jw related questions truthfully with evidence is going well.
however, one jw had the audacity to claim that "jws do not shun".
they seem to want to present a fake, squeeky clean image to non-members and seem to get angry when answering questions regarding shunning.. like this asshole, dennis cybulski.
then there is this FAQ on JW.ORG titled
Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Shun Former Members of Their Religion?
spoiler alert: Those who were baptized as Jehovah’s Witnesses but no longer preach to others, perhaps even drifting away from association with fellow believers, are not shunned. In fact, we reach out to them and try to rekindle their spiritual interest.
When my mom stops shunning me i'm going to ask her if this is correct.
"Blood Guilty"
by new boy inguilt is such a wonderful tool used by the jehovah’s witnesses.
one of the terms they love to use is the term “blood guilty.” they have actually used this term to guilt their members into doing more and more “house to house activity” yes, they have said on numerous occasions at their kingdom halls and other major gathering that a person “could be blood guilty” for not going out in the field service activity enough.
the reason is simple.
I never thought about the use of the words "blood guilty" till the other day..
It's an interesting choice of words on their part since "blood" is a touchy subject as it is.
Its the one of the most offensive thing one could mess with to displease Jehovah if I recall correctly.. and side note one of the most recent issues i have been able to "get over" but it took a very long time.
Its almost as if they groomed the culture to fear blood, and then twisted it to use at their own discretion. "if you don't go out in service you're blood guilty". essential they have rewritten the statement from the intended meaning, "if you don't do what we tell you, jehovah will hate you".
But they are running away from Jehovah!
Jehovah's Witnesses worship a pagan god derived from the ancient Canaanite civilization
by Finkelstein inhistorians of ancient history along with bible scholars have found from where the ancient hebrews acquired their god yhwh .. el was the all powerful god of the canaanites which the hebrews converted mostly to a monotheist style of worship for themselves.. apparently their were ancient civilizations that predated the canaanites as well ..
Okay. So I went a TOTALLY different direction with that!
but the video was very interesting! Thanks!
Jehovah's Witnesses worship a pagan god derived from the ancient Canaanite civilization
by Finkelstein inhistorians of ancient history along with bible scholars have found from where the ancient hebrews acquired their god yhwh .. el was the all powerful god of the canaanites which the hebrews converted mostly to a monotheist style of worship for themselves.. apparently their were ancient civilizations that predated the canaanites as well ..
I havnt watched the video yet. But it did spark a thought, the 2 accounts I can recall that discuss an organization of worship resulted in displeasure to god. The Tower of Babel and the golden calf.
Maybe we are just supposed to focus on life and loving one another and it’s not about wearing a “badge” (literally at conventions, figuratively the name Jehovah’s Witness, or spiritually the distinction Christian) but love god and the byproduct of that is the opposite of chaos, peace...
Thank You to all posters...I have not chosen this path
by CovertsadJW ini wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has posted here as i have been reading all of them.
i have realized that i am not alone in my struggles and the realization that the " truth" is a bunch of crap.
i have been over come with emotion over the last years or so.
I like that smiddy. We are expected to allow them their religious freedom and “not butt in” or get involved with the goings on of their household. This I agree with. But they do not have the same respect for us. They slip their garbage into kids at schools, make cartoons glorifying giving the borg more money and are intolerant of any religious views that are not their own.
How many JDubs would believe this ridiculous statement?
by Sour Grapes ina circuit overseer or a member of the gibbering body is giving a talk about demonism and he says the following, "there was an elder in a congregation in california who let his 8-year-old daughter watch disney movies that involved witches, gremlins, magic, and sorcery.
many may feel that they are harmless movies and are just entertainment.
well, the 8-year-old daughter actually brought a blue smurf doll to the public talk and watchtower study.
Maybe the whole smurf thing was one of Tony “tight pants” Morris’ genius ideas.