JoinedTopics Started by sevenoften
Feeling sorry...
by TR in...for the average jw as i see them out in door to door work.
i shake my head and think; they just don't know.
or maybe they do, but are in a dilemma similar to thousands if not millions right now.
Having some fun
by Scorpion injust picture this.. two jehovah's witnesses walking through the local mall or shopping center on saturday morning doing what most active jws do on saturday.
trying to get in their hours to report to big brother, or in this case, mother.. the two witnesses are doing street work.
one of the witnesses is a well known jw elder in the congregation.
To: Truthbknown
by Dubby indear truthbknown,.
don't be so afraid to let the truthbknown!
devoting yourself to men and their rules puts you in a precarious position with jehovah.