Consider these excerpts from the Bible and the publications:
- “No one has love greater than this, that someone should surrender his life in behalf of his friends” (Joh 15:13)
- “For hardly would anyone die for a righteous man; though perhaps for a good man someone may dare to die. But God recommends his own love to us in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” (Ro 5:7, 8)
- “If He did not withhold the gift of His dear Son, Then never doubt He’ll give the strength you need.” (Song 38)
- “God’s love for humans is so great that he does not withhold good from them regardless of the cost to himself.” (w15 11/15 p. 20 par. 15)
- “At great personal cost to himself and to his beloved Son, Jehovah provided a propitiatory sacrifice for sins.” (w96 3/15 p. 22)
Today, as an apostate, I no longer believe in Jehovah, Jesus or the Bible. But I'm still interesting in knowing what you guys think of it. Did you ever think about it when you were a Witness or when you left? Do you think I'm missing something? I'd love to hear your comments!
Side note: In previous posts, many people posted off-topic posts or posts that accused of being an undercover JW, biased, a troll, and other stuff. This was an annoyance. I kindly ask you to refrain from hijacking this thread. If you'd like to discuss anything else with me, please invite me to another thread or send me a private message. Thank you very much!