The leaders of these people only care about cases they can use for political ends, that means a black corpse and white cop, regardless of situation and circumstances.
@Simon - That is very true. If you take a closer look at all communities, you will find similarities of people taking advantage of a situation to further their own agenda.
All you see of black people when BLM are involved are criminal thugs, looters and gangs of blacks beating individual white people (sometimes to death).
That is a bit of an exaggeration. In the current situation, I see people of all races losing their minds and looting under the banner of BLM.
The claims that black people are disproportionately impacted when the system isn't perfect? Totally unsupported by statistics.
This statement is correct but it totally misses the point. It is not about statistics but about perception. The video footage of how the guy was killed made for uncomfortable viewing and it changes people's perception of reality. You are making a rational statement to an emotional situation.
Remember the expression " De mortuis nil nisi bonum dicendum est translates to "Of the dead nothing but good is to be said" or don't speak ill of the dead.
There is the social taboo of speaking ill of the dead especially when it is so soon. Most people are aware of George Floyd not being a saint.
Apparently mother Theresa was no saint but when she died, that wasn't the time to throw statistics on believers. The time for that came later.
@Blues Broters put it nicely
Only a naive person would believe wholeheartedly all the eulogies about him, but it is wrong to blacken his name with insults. What would it matter anyway? If he was the worst person on earth, does that justify police brutality and homicide?
You have been making your point about the "glass is half full" and others are saying the "glass is half empty"