They seem to think if they get the kids to get baptised at, say, 8 years old that will keep them in. But this generation is smarter than to think that they are obligated to stay in something they made a promise about as a teen or pre-teen. The GB is so full of themselves they still think they can guilt people into staying, but I had a conversation just today that proves that people are getting resentful of all the guilt. The elderly local elders keep pushing (they don't know anything else, it's all they've ever done) but this congregation is shrinking fast. Few kids and teenagers. Almost all of their adult children haven't been in a KH for years. (Amazing how they can't see the significance of that, and keep spewing the bad family advice.)
Alot of resentment expressed today about the convention and its message..... when someone feels comfortable to drop the JW act you see that coming out.