I missed it, for that I can be grateful. I was working, after all. lol
JoinedPosts by Spiral
CLAM Video: Aug 22-28 2016 – “Jehovah Will Care for Our Needs”
by Nicholaus Kopernicus inthis video showed a married brother with three children living in a nice domicile and working full time.
his employer demands that he change his working pattern such that it conflicts with his being able to attend wt meetings at the weekend.
the brother decides not to yield to his employer’s demand and is thus dismissed.. the brother seeks for work very actively over a significant period but without any alternative being found.
Beards mentioned again in magazine!
by neat blue dog inaaaaaand .
.. it offers absolutely nothing new.. from questions from readers in the december 2016 study edition watchtower:.
"is it proper for a brother todayto have a beard?in some cultures, a neat beardmay be acceptable and may notdetract from the kingdom mes-sage.
That's the most profound non-answer that I've ever read. What are they saying..... yes, but no, but yes, but [you can infer this] we will look down on you for having one. sheesh
Lying In Wait At a Bed & Breakfast
by Cold Steel ina few years ago while traveling in the northeast, my wife and i stopped in new haven, connecticut, at a b&b we'd reserved for the night.
no sooner had we unpacked and moved into the living room for tea and treats, our hosts began to talk about religion, and we learned they were jehovah's witnesses.
i didn't mind so much, but my wife was outraged that our hosts would use their place of business as a launching point to do missionary work.
@eva luna, love it, that would scare them to death!
@OneGen, good question. They started the preaching, after all.
If you're at a B&B you are there to relax. No preaching should be allowed. A terrible review on any website is in order, it's just common sense.
BUT - so many JWs have no real business sense, this would be a surprise. They might not even know to read their reviews. But I agree, totally inappropriate in this setting.
A sucker is born every minute
by Sour Grapes ini was an elder in the 1970's and i was not a big fan of the "stay alive until 75" dogma.
i was looked down upon by the heavy hitters on the body of elders and in time i changed my mind.
i knew of the failed prophecy of 1914 being the end of all times which was repeated for the year 1925...yet i came to believe well maybe this time they've got it right.. with every new watchtower, i combed over every word to find support for my change in my belief that the end was coming in fall of 1975. at the district assembly in 1975, everyone clung onto every word in the final talk.
Back in the day (I was in my teens in the 70s) ALOT was said by brothers from the stage and at assemblies because talks weren't scripted. The circuit assemblies especially had a lot of variance in what the brothers were saying. So, in our congregation we had a couple of die hards who took everything seriously, gave up jobs, and from the stage rambled on about how Jehovah's day was near. At the circuit assemblies, there were some that said very specific things that you would not have seen in the literature. The org tolerated it so I feel they are responsible. Ultimately, things got out of hand and nothing happened in 1975 or 76 so the scripting of all talks started.
BUT - what these brothers were saying was what they really thought "mother" thought they should teach. And it was. Only "mother" was caught out as being totally wrong and clueless.
This is why the literature is so dull and lifeless today, all prophecy interpretation from previous decades is discredited, and many things are just swept under the rug.
The mantra used to be study, learn, discourse, and believe, just like the Boreans. Now, it's listen, obey, [shut up] and be blessed. This is necessary because so much of what was said and taught turned out to be pure fantasy.
In short, it's a cult. Now more than ever!
Harmagedon backpack... Are we retarded??
by sp74bb insorry for this matter has been already discussed.. i got shocked after watching this video:.
kingdom hall disaster demonstration.
this is really insane !!!
Is this bag different from the emergency "go" bag they've been telling people to have for a few years, in case persecution hits (and you have to flee to the bunker or whatever, I guess)?
Not having been to meetings in years I just heard about this last year. The JWs in my area think that when persecution hits you should be ready with your "go" bag. And I thought we were supposed to rely on God.....
"Inactive" non Attenders, how much power do the JW's have over YOU ?
by Phizzy ini was thinking about this because of the constant reminders we get in posts that we inactive non attenders have to be careful what we say to jw's, and what we do that they may learn about etc, if we don't wish to be before a j.c. the power they have is limited by what we give them.
now, i do not wish to be declared df'd of da'd, it would kill my old mum i think.. but i refuse to live my life looking over my shoulder, that, in my opinion, is giving them too much power.. i openly vote, i openly donate blood, i enjoy the odd cigar etc etc.. how much power do you allow them to have over you ?.
I am careful around the JWs just because of my mother, but once she is past the point of caring (sadly, she has dementia, which is a progressive thing) I won't care at all.
Funny thing, here locally the JWs just seem.....worn out. Everyone is older, has problems, is too poor (with all the fun that entails) to seem to care. I was really worried about this earlier, but not as much now. I'm not really trying to act like I'm doing anything, beyond taking my mom to meeting on Sundays. I read my tablet while I'm there, no one has noticed.
Are they either leaving or going full on 'cult mode'? No quarter.
by punkofnice init might just be me imagining things.. i hear things from my jw spies.. from all that's being said, it seems to me that the rank and file(tm), are either waking up to the scam and fading/leaving.
they are going full on 'cult mode' and acting like 'spiritual police'.. is it just me and my imagination?
have others noticed this?.
Punk, I have noticed that. There do not seem to be any reasonable, middle of the road types here locally. Congregation has shrunk over 50% and what's left is the full-on, can't think for themselves cult types, that watch everyone else like a hawk. This congregation is a paranoid and desperate place. No surprise that these types can't seem to get or keep a job in the real world.
Disfellowshipping - What It's Supposed To Be
by pale.emperor infirst of all, the wt tell this lie to the rank and file:.
two factors—which must coincide—result in the disfellowshipping of one of jehovah’s witnesses.
first, a baptized witness commits a serious sin.
@Vidiot, I totally agree: To prevent loyal JWs from learning the real reasons XJWs leave.
I think they are trying to delay the sharing of information across both sides as long as possible. Of course, that can't last forever.
For those that carry on as JWs secretly not believing.....
by snare&racket inmy heart goes out for all people stuck in all high control groups, either with insight into the falsehood of their beliefs or none.. to remain a member whilst knowing it false however, must be soul destroying.. my question is, would you carry on living the lie if you discovered that we get one life, one go at existing.
it's short, it's fragile and nobody in 100 years will care we even existed..... .......if you came to that realisation would you quit?.
.......if you had children, would you leave in order to set them an example in strength and appreciation of the short time we enjoy?.
I am just around to take my mum to meeting, but if you were around me very much you'd have to know I no longer believe. Kinda a funny don't ask don't tell thing going on with a few of them.
Everyone here is so distracted by the mess their lives are in (really, I've never seen such a group of disfunctional people, by any standard) that no one cares. I'm only civil to keep peace and out of respect for some old friends. But, it's just something I am putting up with temporarily. If I had to really look and act like a JW, my brain would explode. I give anyone a lot of credit who is in that situation and is carrying it off.
Yoga. Evil practice?
by Darkknight757 inas our fade continues, the wife and i have decided to take up "the forbidden practice of.......yoga"!!!!😱.
i was quite skeptical at first but so far it has really de-stressed our life in quite a spectacular way!!
not to mention the physical benefits.. anyone else try yoga or a similar discipline?
Anything that challenges their world view (ugh) will be - literally - demonized. If you go to yoga and calm down (unlike all the depressed ones in the congregation) and are able to think.... wait.... you might start questioning some things.... improving your life..... Nothing good can come of that, for them! It's all about control. Plus they are SO IGNORANT when they talk about yoga, like they think the demons will invade your brain the minute you go to class. I got rid of a few cult demon ideas in my head after going to yoga class. Yeah!