Awesome interview, I listened to it twice. Thank you for sharing this!
Now, how do I get my "still in" friends to listen?!?!
Awesome interview, I listened to it twice. Thank you for sharing this!
Now, how do I get my "still in" friends to listen?!?!
i'm just curious as to how it all happened.. to explain.
many years back, before ex-jw websites, i called on a local lady in order to design an extension to her already enormous house.
she was a young, voluptuous gal, married to a much older local business man who spared little expense in order to give his young wife whatever her heart desired.. we chatted for ages.
Out in the western US, most of us knew nothing. The GB were mysterious and we didn't even know all their names. I remember hearing about some apostates at Bethel, but that was all. Everything was top secret and besides which, don't even think YOU could question what went on. It was all taken care of by smarter people than you. UGH!
is this something they've asked them to do?
cart displays in front of their homes?
my mom is only in her mid 60s so i'm quite sure this is not an issue of mental illness.. the only illness she's suffering from is boredom since she's refused to work for years now.
Hi Tempest, my mom is also a "bored never did anything in her adult life but service kind of person", but in her 80s. There is no logical reasoning with them, trust me I've tried on many levels.
The only thing that worked when I faced some issues with my mom was to say "I won't live like that or do that. If you want my help that can't happen." I'll spare everyone the details but it did work. She's asked about going in service in the neighborhood and I always say no, not safe and not a good idea. (It really isn't.)
My mom would go door to door in her old neighborhood and got sprayed with a hose once. I have no doubt that neighbor was just exasperated. She thought it was persecution, of course. But I have learned you just have to be blunt and consistent. Nothing else works.
I am a professional as well and shared your concerns about how this would be viewed by the neighbors.
I have noticed a lot of the older ones here have various forms of dementia, hard question to ask but could that be part of what is going on here? I do know the elders here would not approve of using a cart in that fashion.
here's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
Heaven, I am with you. Interesting how the JW bible muddies up that scripture in Proverbs a bit, so it doesn't sound so drastic.
Funny how so many human belief systems start with humans being "sinful" and then having to spend their whole lives being " whipped" and "chastised" to be acceptable to God. You get your reward later, much later, maybe. Feeling the love, aren't we?
Again, just insanity.
with the increasing number of young ones leaving "the truth", it is critical to brainwash them regularly from young!.
monday, may 16. the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly.—prov.
13:20.. a child could drift away gradually on a spiritually dangerous path, being tempted by harmful association or degrading entertainment.
here's where i stand at the moment: i neither categorize myself as a theist, atheist, or agnostic.
i'm a freethinker and do not have a specific belief at the moment, unless something comes along which is 100% conclusive & convincing.
which brings us to tackling the elephant in the room, something that today's text has failed to do:.
I realized after growing up "in" that when things went well people thought Jehovah was communicating with them. Well, doesn't everyone think that of their God?
I came to the conclusion that if there was a God who was both powerful enough and sophisticated enough to create the universe as we know it, he would be a better communicator. Supposedly, he can create planets and universes and creatures that love to communicate, but he can't even get his message straight to his followers. Then, he sends out confusing messages to them as a test to see if they can figure it out and "follow" him correctly.
That's just insanity. You can't "grow close" to that!
today spiegel online & bento have an article about the anti-gay video.. spiegel is one of the biggest and most serious news media in germany.. they also report and show that youtubers cut the video and changed it in a funny way.
sofia tells her mother that the teacher said it's fine if they live each other.
then sofia's mother says: "thats wonderful.".
DY, I admit I haven't seen the video (I really can't stomach watching the videos) but I had the same thought:
Move forward with your life and let others live theirs. Much happiness and peace comes from minding one's business only.
So, my question to the JWs would be: Is it appropriate to teach younger children to tell school mates their parents are in a relationship that doesn't merit "paradise"? This would be my problem with a video like this (along with the homophobia, of course).
The JWs think they have a right to tell other people how to live their lives. That is an integral part of their culture. The first reason in my mind that made me leave the "org".
Talesin, I know of a situation (possibly two) of a suicide because the young person couldn't "meet the requirements" of the "org". My sympathy to you about your friend.
the whole time i'll just be thinking about what effect all those crazy loyalty videos will have on my family.
i can venture to guess that they'll be wound up and determined to "stay loyal" because this "is the truth" and "this system can't last much longer".
i have to go because not doing so would raise too much suspicion but i'm really dreading it.
We always made an excuse to go to another state.....and then just not go to the assembly. We would just go have fun.
The thing I always noticed is that people wouldn't talk about specific content for very long after the assembly, a week or two at most. So if you just are on vacation or go AWOL for awhile the chat dies down and no one knows you didn't go.
Checking on websites like this will give you just enough hint on what went on to have an answer if you really get cornered when you get back.
Perhaps if you tempt your wife with a real vacation she might just take you up on it.
there is no typical jw personality type.. any of us who were in the religion for a number of years will remember all sorts of individuals.
there is as much variety among jws as there is in the general population.
some were arrogant and judgemental but others were humble and kindly.
following on from a similar post, the use of tablets/ipads at the meetings is a life saver to many a bored or mentally out jw.
i'm sure the borg must know the potential for surfing the net or reading other books instead of reading the meeting material during the meeting?.
at what point are they going to start policing this?
I don't use the wifi at my Mom's hall.....partly because I don't have the password. You have to be special to be issued the password and I'm not about to ask for it. (Is every hall like that?) I download something to read (and of course the WT so I can appear to be following along) and I use my cell for a hotspot for my tablet if I need to.
If I was ever asked to let someone look at my tablet my response would be "no....oh, HELL no!"