I do see a parallel between the Catholic Church collecting properties and monies and becoming rich (forget that vow of poverty idea) and then becoming the one and only approved faith (or, the one and only "true" faith in our time). It was a struggle for them in the first couple of centuries.
I also think the religious side of the org is a cover for the business side - a real estate and investment pyramid scheme. Only, in this scheme, the income only flows in one direction - up.
Does anyone remember the phone card MLM scheme that was so prevalent say, 25 years ago? The phone cards were expensive, and they weren't important, because the real deal was buying a spot in this pyramid and making some $$$$. The product didn't matter. Alot of JWs fell for it.
I think the org is like that now - the product (religion, feel good, you're gonna be in paradise) is not as important as the income flow. Plenty of people (even in New York) try to ignore the obvious fact that the org is now mostly a real estate investment scheme/franchise.
And yes, Warwick=Vatican.