It was really sad to see all the poor, living on the edge people today parroting what was in the magazine. Isn't poverty fun! It makes us more spiritual! I love driving that old car down the highway with my children in the back seat hoping my bald tires don't blow out!
Meanwhile, the few (and I mean literally a handful) here that do have money would comment the same. Are they laughing behind their hands at the poor people here? I wonder. None of them would give up what they have to test God to see if he will support them. Nor do they share, from what I can see.
Keeping my job, that's for sure. I like driving a car that's not going to blow up any time soon (or if it does, there's a warranty).
And where are all the contributions going to come from? The "work" isn't getting any cheaper but the "brothers" are sure getting poorer.