JoinedTopics Started by Distracted
Watchtower Doctrines JWs most commonly don't believe
by Diogenesister inthere was a recent thread on another site where posters maintained that many of the *most* long-standing jw's don't believe at least one official watchtower doctrine.
i've even read reports from bethelites saying they've heard bethel overseers say they don't believe some watchtower theology.
this made me think - i believe there are a few official doctrines that are common for many jw's to be either in denial about or simply not really believe ( often one and the same thing).. i'd say these are pretty high in the ranking:.
Just sittin' and mindin' my own business...
by Distracted ini was sitting at a local city event enjoying watching an activity.
a friendly looking woman dressed in blue jeans and a floppy hippy looking top came and sat down besides me.
she notices i am sketching and says she likes to do this too.
Recovery From The Jehovah's Witnesses - A Guide
by pale.emperor inhey guys.
a friend online asked me about my recovery and how i managed to recover relatively easily from watchtower indoctrination.
although i think a major part of it is acquainting oneself with information about the watchtower and it's history, a lot of it (for me at least) was an inner game.
Subliminal images - why and who are the individuals behind it?
by UnshackleTheChains ini remember about 5 years ago reading on another site about subliminal images in wt literature.
i honestly thought it a load of bs until i checked out one glaringly obvious image of a creepy skull in clouds within the knowledge book.
i was shocked and even showed my wife at the time who thought it was creepy.. so my question is why?
"50 Years a Watchtower Slave" Chapter 5 Part B
by new boy inone thing they never talked about at the assemblies was how many predictions they made in the pass about the so called end of the world.
predictions that never came to be.
i didn’t know it at the time and most jehovah’s witnesses didn’t know that charles russell (1852-1916), the founder, believed that christ had secretly arrived in the year 1874 and that he would establish the kingdom of god on earth in october 1914 russell based this prophecy on his studies of the bible and the great pyramid.
That One Defining Moment That Changed Your Life.
by new boy init seems that many times in life there is a moment or an action that changes your whole world.
it could be just a look that someone gives you.. many times it can be something rather small.
something hardly noticeable by anyone but you.
I just found out that my youngest brother committed suicide
by SnakesInTheTower inmy middle brother called me a couple of hours ago.
our youngest brother, josh, who was 38, was found by his friends in his apartment.
he hung himself.
What is the Latest JW Teaching on the Last Days and 1914
by Distracted ini was just wondering what the witnesses are saying now about the last days and how they know armageddon is real close, etc.
what is the latest teaching about 1914?
Pure cult propaganda Communiqué de presse Novembre 2015– Regain de prosélytisme chez les Témoins de Jéhovah, de l’indécence à l’écœurement ...
by wannaexit ini found this from an another site, for those of you who read french.
the world is taking note that when tragedy strikes rather than help in practical ways, jw take advantage of a tragic situation to spread their cultist propaganda.. http://caffes.fr/communique-de-presse-novembre-2015-regain-de-proselytisme-chez-les-temoins-de-jehovah-de-lindecence-a-lecoeurement/.
communique de presse novembre 2015 regain de proselytisme chez les temoins de jehovah, de lindecence a lecurement.... novembre 20, 2015 actualites, journal a loccasion des evenements dramatiques qui frappent notre pays, les membres du caffes et toutes les personnes qui y sont accompagnees souhaitent faire part de leur vive emotion et temoigner de leur solidarite aux familles des victimes.
Creepy things jw's have said to you
by purrpurr inhere's mine: i'm 14 years old, just baptised and a old boy married elder of about 60 odd comes up to me and says " ooooooooooh!
your getting such a lovely figure on you!