Datadog seems to think that an extra 30 minutes with the CO or private elders meeting in somehow equivocal to a clergy/laity class. And they said JWs have no reasoning ability.
JoinedPosts by Recovery
Does the Watchtower really parallel 1st Century Christianity?
by Emery ini wanted to get a list of arguments that illustrate how the watchtower society is or isn't following 1st century christianity today.
thanks again everyone!.
Does the Watchtower really parallel 1st Century Christianity?
by Emery ini wanted to get a list of arguments that illustrate how the watchtower society is or isn't following 1st century christianity today.
thanks again everyone!.
First century Christians removed unrepentant sinners from the congregation = so do JWs
1st century Christians submitted to the instructions of the governing body = so do JWs
1st century Christians did not get involved in politics/worldly affairs= neither do JWs
1st century Christians proclaimed the urgency of the times = so do JWs
Does the Watchtower really parallel 1st Century Christianity?
by Emery ini wanted to get a list of arguments that illustrate how the watchtower society is or isn't following 1st century christianity today.
thanks again everyone!.
I can write something more extensice when I am at a computer, but here are just a few of your parallels.
1st century Christians hated/spoken against as a sect/cult= same with JWs
1st century Christians had the hope of becoming kings and priests in heaven =same with anointed JWs
First century Christians preached to everyone and anyone, anywhere = JWs preach to everyone, anywhere, no lergy/claity distinction
First century Christians did not believe in pagan concepts such as purgatory, hellfire, immortality of the soul, the Trinity= same with JWs
First century Christian congregations were organized with elders and ministerial servants taking the lead, not just one or
two pastors = same with JWs
First century Christians acknowledged the importance of the Divine Name as did Jezus = same with JWs
JWstruggle Apostasy Trial YouTube Video & The Media
by allyouneedislove inhi everyone,.
how can the media, or maybe a site like get notified of the "apostasy trial" videos posted on youtube by jwstruggle?.
The media doesn't care. Neither do most people.
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery ini noticed in the "magic" thread many former jw's no longer adhere to the bible as the unerring and accurate word of god.
if you feel this way, can you please list any specific reasons/arguments as to why not.
this thread isn't for debating purposes, but simply for listing.
Well if pointing out that my God, respected dictionaries and thesaruses, and simple logic do not equate miracles with magic then so be it.
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery ini noticed in the "magic" thread many former jw's no longer adhere to the bible as the unerring and accurate word of god.
if you feel this way, can you please list any specific reasons/arguments as to why not.
this thread isn't for debating purposes, but simply for listing.
I will start a thread addressing each allegation of actual substance.
Divine name debate - Greg Stafford v Paul Lundquist etc
by yadda yadda 2 ini'm sure this has been discussed in depth before by the scholarly minded on here.
i'd be interested in seeing any former threads.. what are we to make of greg stafford's theory (and the watchtower society's) that the hellenized philosophy of the early nt copyists caused them to remove the divine name (tetragrammaton or variants of) from the nt writings?
have any scholars offered a rebuttal?.
Can anyone answer this question: Is the divine name in shortened form in the book of Revelation? YES or NO?
I think it says a lot about people who wish to discredit the NWT for the use of the divine name. Your issue is no longer with the WTS, but with the Bible writers.
Divine name debate - Greg Stafford v Paul Lundquist etc
by yadda yadda 2 ini'm sure this has been discussed in depth before by the scholarly minded on here.
i'd be interested in seeing any former threads.. what are we to make of greg stafford's theory (and the watchtower society's) that the hellenized philosophy of the early nt copyists caused them to remove the divine name (tetragrammaton or variants of) from the nt writings?
have any scholars offered a rebuttal?.
Isnt the divine name found in shortened form in Revelation?
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery ini noticed in the "magic" thread many former jw's no longer adhere to the bible as the unerring and accurate word of god.
if you feel this way, can you please list any specific reasons/arguments as to why not.
this thread isn't for debating purposes, but simply for listing.
When Ezekiel said she would never be rebuilt, he had to have something else in mind, since the scripture says 'many nations' will come up against her. Many nations goes far beyond Babylon and Greece. It also says fisherman will hang their fishnets there, which indicates that there would be some occupation and thus rebuilding. I think the context for the prophecies determined what Ezekiel meant when he said 'she will never be will rebuilt'. Most of the prophecies focus on the beauty and the riches and the prestige of the ancient city of Tyre. It is similar to Egypt. Ezekiel prophesied that it would become a lowly kingdom. Egypt at one time was the dominating world power, and even in Ezekiel's day was still considered relatively influential and important. But look at Egypt today. Has it not become a mere shadow of what it used to be?
From the very first time Ezekiel prophesies about Tyre he mentions that it will be plundered by the nations and many nations will be brought up against it. I do not see anything in Ezekiel's prophecies about Tyre that say Nebuchadnezzar would enrich himself with its wealth and completely devastate it and throw its ruins into the sea. Can you please point out where exactly this is stated and then later changed?
The Bible-- Full of Errors And Inconsistencies?
by Recovery ini noticed in the "magic" thread many former jw's no longer adhere to the bible as the unerring and accurate word of god.
if you feel this way, can you please list any specific reasons/arguments as to why not.
this thread isn't for debating purposes, but simply for listing.
Okay, Leolaia I have to disagree with you on some basic points. Ezekiel 26:3 says ", ‘Here I am against you, O Tyre, and I will bring up against you many nations, just as the sea brings up its waves." Verse 5 says "‘For I myself have spoken,’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah, ‘and she must become an object of plunder for the nations."