Star Wars actor, Kenny Baker, who played the character R2 - D2 has passed away aged 81.
R. I. P.
star wars actor, kenny baker, who played the character r2 - d2 has passed away aged 81.. r. i. p. .
Star Wars actor, Kenny Baker, who played the character R2 - D2 has passed away aged 81.
R. I. P.
i just joined this sight today.
i'm hoping to find people here with similar experiences or have experience with similar situations or just any advise or feedback.. first.
my quick life story.. i was born into jw.
i'm reading an excellent book about defectors from the mormon church called differing visions: dissenters in mormon history.
through a collection of essays from many academic authors it looks at the life stories of dissenters and reasons for departure, as well as analysing the impact of their dissent on the church itself.
fascinating stuff and makes me wish there was a similar volume looking at the key dissenters from jws/watchtower and the impact they had.
I'm a newbie to this site and therefore coming in late on this topic;
The following people use Youtube as a platform to expose the WT's flawed policies.
- Marc & Cora Latham
- Kim Mikey
- Marcus Vaughan (Ex- Wallkill Bethelite) - some of his videos are a real eye opener,
No doubt there are others who are on Youtube.
if this isn't heartrending then i don't know what is !.
Hi Smiddy, thanks for your comment. I was on Youtube and came across this video and have no way of verifying its authenticity. I took it at face value and, probably naively, accepted it as fact.
If the video is true then it is a sad state of affairs. If it is a fabrication then I apologise to all.
Lesson for me; not to post without having some form of factual back-up.
Could the Admin / Moderator team delete this discussion thread.
if this isn't heartrending then i don't know what is !.
i haven`t seen much if anything on the rio olympic games on this forum , i can`t believe their is so little interest in such a sporting event that is televised world wide.. i don`t get to watch everything , but events i do like to see when i can are,track and field ,gymnastics ,swimming , diving ,and their are a few other sports i will watch when they are on , especially if an australian is involved.. how about you ?
whats your favourite sport to watch ?.
has the "drug" issue affected your view of the games ?
This Olympian deserves a medal - she put the welfare of her horse first and foremost.
the biggest regret i have is of 'shunning' persons who were disfellowshipped and for 'marking' ones deemed as bad association.. there's no way i can approach these people to ask them for forgiveness as i've emigrated to another country however, by this post i'd like it to be known..
The biggest regret I have is of 'shunning' persons who were disfellowshipped and for 'marking' ones deemed as bad association.
There's no way I can approach these people to ask them for forgiveness as I've emigrated to another country however, by this post I'd like it to be known.
Hello ToesUp
Thanks for the welcome, really appreciate it.
You have very valid points. Truth is, I have no answer to your post. As you say, these judicial committees are very serious business and these Elders do literally have people's lives in their hands. Sadly, some people who were disfellowshipped couldn't handle the rejection from family and friends and ended their lives. I, too, am aware of a couple of Elders who lead double lives - committing sins whilst at the same time 'lording and judging' over others.
I'm just glad that I woke up and got out of there. Here's hoping that many more will get out, and quick.
a newbie here, joined about half an hour ago.
i started the fade about 10 years ago and have been totally inactive for about 3 years.
the reason being was that i became totally disillusioned.
a newbie here, joined about half an hour ago.
i started the fade about 10 years ago and have been totally inactive for about 3 years.
the reason being was that i became totally disillusioned.
A newbie here, joined about half an hour ago.
I started the fade about 10 years ago and have been totally inactive for about 3 years. The reason being was that I became totally disillusioned. It became so, how should I say, suffocating with its many petty laws, restrictions, requirements, and dare I say, a certain amount of paranoia among some of the congregation members.
Toward the end, before I became totally inactive, I could best be described as a 'submarine publisher' - surfaced for the memorial and the odd meeting and assembly, then disappearing for weeks / months on end.
Anyway, looking forward to participating in the discussions and getting to virtually know you all.