@ sir82
I'm in my mid 50's and can testify to having experienced corporal punishment, both from my father and teachers at school.
i think my last post i said i went to a new congregation,i'm going to just talk about some of the shit i have seen in my congregation.. there was a kid trying to talk to a adult next to him i think it was his dad,the kid just started taping him because he wanted to tell him something and the dad gets mad then boom the kid gets elbowed.i look around to see if anyone saw him do that to his kid and nope or they didn't want to say anything about it and just like wtf.. in my old congregation,the younger kids would do random stuff in the middle of the meeting to not get board.
when the mom or dad got mad i would see then get dragged to the back of the kingdom hall and hear them start crying.when i was still mentally in i just didnt think about it at all when it would happen but when i woke up im just like thats fucked up..
@ sir82
I'm in my mid 50's and can testify to having experienced corporal punishment, both from my father and teachers at school.
my mother was not the most emotionally stable person.
she was a follower and instilled in me the idea we were better than those worldly people.
its hard to go to school as a child and you can not be friends outside of school, you can not celebrate any holidays, and you are told all these people are going to die.
With the benefit of hindsight and life experience, I, like eyeuse2badub posted, do not blame my parents. They were converts - started studying around 1972.
My parents, as many, many others have been, were duped by the Org's false teachings and promises.
Another blast from the past;
with much amusement i read the thread on women parking lot attendants and it got me to thinking about life at home for the average jw.. i believe i am correct in thinking that anything to do with jw-ism requires a penis, except all the leg work (fs & pioneers).
meaning the mic's, talks, etc... but yet the same guy who thinks his wife (or any other woman) is not bright enough to run the sound system for example doesn't mind his wife hauling hay, digging in the yard, managing the checkbook and other various physical jobs as well as jobs that do in fact require a brain larger than that of a gnat?.
let's say a guy is a bit technologically challenged but he can manage the sound system at the kh ok. i imagine he feels proud that he is getting to do this great privilege?
Great discussion, Carla.
Flipper has touched on a number of points, however, as a suggestion for women to defend their stance in the congregation it might be an idea to bring the following to the attention of the BOE.
If women, in the Org, are viewed as 'lesser beings' than men, then how come Theresa May is currently the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and Angela Merkel is the Chancellor of Germany. Note: there have been other women who served as Head of State.
Then there are women who are Monarchs, such as Queen Elizabeth 2nd of the UK and Commonwealth countries having reigned for 66 years and counting.
these look like nice, middle class boys going to uni, involved in sports, government, etc.
they are pretty much standard college kids.
These idiots are not men; they are mice.
My advice to any women is to steer clear of them.
A great voice - sadly missed.
Happy birthday; hope you have a great day.
CSN (Crosby, Stills & Nash) - one of my all time favourite bands.
I really enjoy playing this song on my guitar.
this is bigger than christmas and birthdays wrap into one.
thanks to the australian royal commission our youngest son has woke up.
we received a e-mail from him tonight where he apologized to us for shunning us all these years, how bad he felt for doing this.
Welcome back to the forum f2f.
As jp1692 said; we'd all like to read about your journey out of the Org.