I remember the 1975 debacle. My parents were first contacted and studied with the JW's about 1972 / 73. The book (orange in colour) that my brothers, sister and I studied was, if I remember correctly, titled; 'From Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained.'
I was about 8 or 9 years old at the time. Too young to understand what it was all about however, I still remember clearly how the 'end' was supposed to come in 1975.
Fast forward to 2004 / 2005 - life for me was a treadmill - work, meetings field service, year in and year out. It became so monotonous that I was literally losing my mind. So many missed opportunities be it professionally and at home. In the end I became so disillusioned with it all that I had no option but to bail out - for my own sanity. It was then that I began my slow fade.
I have since advanced in my career, and on the homefront I'm much more relaxed and really enjoying life. Best decision I ever made.