I went back and pulled some of my elder's notes from June 2014 Circuit Overseer's visit. This is what we were told:
"The governing body is directing that we make contact with all inactive ones, this week. Follow through immediately! Love the brothers from the heart. View as a lost sheep"
The theme of one of the talks to the elders: "Assist Inactive Ones to Return To Jehovah" The entire week of the visit per the "organization" was to focus on inactive ones. The body of elders and the congregation thought that something big was imminent. Nothing happened. These are the scriptures that were emphasized in our meetings for the week: Luke 15:4-7;John21:15-17; 1Peter5:2; and Ezek 34:15, 16. A report was made at the end of the visit, and things went back to normal. No Great Trib. and no Armageddon. It is cyclical. I agree with one of the posters on here. 'Let's review. It's a cult.'