There was no announcement here in Texas about pioneer hour reduction. Maybe next week. There was a Judicial Committee announcement though. Someone on the forum called the Kingdom Halls Judicial Centers or something like that. No meetings, but Judicial Committees are okay.
JoinedPosts by IWant2Leave
No more hour requirements for pioneers
by solomon init was announced at the meeting.
do what you are able to because of covid.. i think i should sign up as i’m able to meet the hour requirements.
No, They Will Never Notice!
by Atlantis insince the watchtower has already made this bible public, i can put a link out here.. no, the rank & file will never notice the words "governing body" have been inserted into acts 15: 1-35 in the 2019 new world translation, matthew to acts.. click the image to make it larger if need be.. petra!
@ Millie210 to answer your question:What did the Bible say before they added "Governing Body"?
Acts 15:22 Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, with the whole church, to choose men from among them and send them to Antioch with Paul and Barnabas. They sent Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, leading men among the brothers (Gideon Bible in the glove box of new cars now. Not just in hotels )
No, They Will Never Notice!
by Atlantis insince the watchtower has already made this bible public, i can put a link out here.. no, the rank & file will never notice the words "governing body" have been inserted into acts 15: 1-35 in the 2019 new world translation, matthew to acts.. click the image to make it larger if need be.. petra!
They add the phrase "governing body" to try to give themselves legitimacy while they never mention that "the
whole congregation" or as Gideon bible says "the whole church" was involved in making the decision concerning the matter of circumcision. If the aim is to follow the 1st century pattern of doing things, the congregation should have a say in more matters than the resolutions that are voted on regarding finances.
I listened to the Zoom meeting last night. It was Jehovah, Jehovah, Jehovah, Governing Body, Faithful Slave, thank you Jehovah for Zoom, thank you Faithful Slave for giving us Zoom so that we can get this spiritual food. Sorry for the rant, I'm wound up this morning!
Watchtower June 2020 Article, '' Return to Me''
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthe watchtower—study edition | june 2020. .
study article 26.
6 who can share in the search for inactive ones?
I went back and pulled some of my elder's notes from June 2014 Circuit Overseer's visit. This is what we were told:
"The governing body is directing that we make contact with all inactive ones, this week. Follow through immediately! Love the brothers from the heart. View as a lost sheep"
The theme of one of the talks to the elders: "Assist Inactive Ones to Return To Jehovah" The entire week of the visit per the "organization" was to focus on inactive ones. The body of elders and the congregation thought that something big was imminent. Nothing happened. These are the scriptures that were emphasized in our meetings for the week: Luke 15:4-7;John21:15-17; 1Peter5:2; and Ezek 34:15, 16. A report was made at the end of the visit, and things went back to normal. No Great Trib. and no Armageddon. It is cyclical. I agree with one of the posters on here. 'Let's review. It's a cult.'
Newest Anti-Apostate Tactics
by Anna Marina indon't quote any scriptures during the watchtower study that are not in the paragraph.. don't quote the governing body or anything from the broadcast ever.
it might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the governing body.
especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with scriptures, most especially the words of jesus christ.. anyone know of other new tactics?.
And no news report or court cases were to be mentioned. This was the announcement before the WT lesson started. I don't know if the conductor was instructed to make that announcement from higher ups or he did it on his own?
Newest Anti-Apostate Tactics
by Anna Marina indon't quote any scriptures during the watchtower study that are not in the paragraph.. don't quote the governing body or anything from the broadcast ever.
it might be true but it is not true truth if it is coming out of your mouth if you have been critical of the governing body.
especially so if your criticism is valid and you have dared to support you view with scriptures, most especially the words of jesus christ.. anyone know of other new tactics?.
I can vouch for the part of only using scriptures that are in the WatchTower lesson. I conducted the WT for 10+ years. It's drummed into your head by the Circuit Overseer, no extra research, even if it is JW literature, and no extra scriptures. We were told that the slave knew all of the extra research that we want to bring out, and the FS decided to leave it out and so should we! "We don't know more than the slave, do we? So leave it on the cutting room floor," was the C.O.'s words.
Now comments are to be 30 seconds or less. On the WT dealing with child abuse, no personal experiences were to be given.
Telehealth Doctor's Visits Provided by JW Drs. - Coming Soon?
by JWTom inthere is a zoom meeting in our area this coming weekend to educate anyone with a healthcare background about "volunteering" to be part of providing health care through online zoom doctors visits.
evidently jw doctors across the us are volunteering to do free zoom consultations that are technically real doctors visits.
don't have many details other than i saw some of the letters from petra where people could sign up for this.. wondering if this is already happening in some areas or if anyone knows more about it?
I guess it would be similar to Teladoc and other type medical programs where a visit is via internet. I don't know about liability. For sure WTBTS won't be liable. Will try to weasel out if anything goes wrong.
Telehealth Doctor's Visits Provided by JW Drs. - Coming Soon?
by JWTom inthere is a zoom meeting in our area this coming weekend to educate anyone with a healthcare background about "volunteering" to be part of providing health care through online zoom doctors visits.
evidently jw doctors across the us are volunteering to do free zoom consultations that are technically real doctors visits.
don't have many details other than i saw some of the letters from petra where people could sign up for this.. wondering if this is already happening in some areas or if anyone knows more about it?
Zoom, Zoom!! Just invited to a Zoom dinner this weekend. How does that work? We watch each other eat for a couple of hours?
I’m Seeing Some Trump Fatigue Out There
by minimus ini’ve heard from a few trump voters that they are getting tired of the whole trump thing.
one person yesterday said he lies.
another person said she hears from her clients in her business that the constant drama and push back from all sides against trump is fatiguing.. i remind people that before this worldwide pandemic, we had the best numbers in jobs.
I don't care how woke you are, Melania Trump is one of the most beautiful women to grace the WhiteHouse for some time.
It's true Melania is attractive, but she also is a tr_mp. Years ago, no one would be elected to the office of president with a wife who has nude pictures available/accessible for the world to see! The standards of the office have fallen in more ways than one.
I was thinking I might vote for the first time ever. Now I don't think so.
Leaked WT Elder Training Video
by Vanderhoven7 in
good to see the caring brothers help establish depth of guilt..
I remember that video from 2017 elder's school. Funny, I view it in a different light now!