Please send me the link. Thanks!
2020-10--letter writing templates manual.
91 pages.
2020-10-01--donation arrangement--pre-authorized debit.
Please send me the link. Thanks!
i guess the full time servants will have to fend for themselves or rely on publishers to care for them.
------------------------------------for special full-time servants in the field in the united states branch territory1.
necessary personal needs: it is preferred that you and your mate (if married) continue to care for your personal needs yourself.
I would like the link please. Thanks much.
new--2020-october--shepherd the flock of god--elder manual.
new--2020-october--addendum to elder manual.
2020--october-s-147-e--announcements and reminders.
Good morning. It's cool here and I would like a cup of coffee. Please include me! Thanks!
thanks petra and atlantis for providing the latest announcements from the watchtower.. they are telling congregations to replace the 15 minute local needs talk in the midweek meeting of october 26th with a talk on neutrality.
i am not sure if this is due to there being a usa election on tues 3rd, november or because of their worldwide preaching campaign targeting government officials.
it does sound like it is due to the usa election due to comments about propaganda and political promises.
If they use personal letterhead, won't the governments know where to find them during "Great Tribulation"? We know JW's will be in the attic or basement , but now Satan and his system of things will now have the address of all Witnesses. It was drummed into our heads years ago, that we should choose death rather than give our brother's address even if being tortured.
does anybody know what this message will contain ?
is it designed to provoke a response that will bring persecution on the religion ?
or is it just going to be some meaningless weak campaign to get the rank and file all excited about it and achieving nothing.. or is it going to suggest to the government officials that this mob could very well be the next jonestown /wacol incident and we need to act now.
I think the problem or any "persecution" will be because they clogged the mail system during a general election! Many will be voting by mail in ballot, and this campaign starts two days before the presidential election. So officials will be upset, not because of the message in the WT, but the overload on the mail system.
project detail.
type: special projects.
I went to Jw org and a museum was opened at the branch in Argentina, so I guess it has been completed. The relocation was slated for summer 2020. With Covid, don't know if that happened. Was going to be a very expensive building project with private contractors doing the work
project detail.
type: special projects.
Any news on what's happening with this building project? How is funding going, being that contributions are down? I read somewhere that a similar branch is being built in Italy. Any developments, is it complete?
i've already posted in an earlier thread how the pandemic benefits the org in that it presents it an excuse to go completely electronic and sell all buildings (if that's what it wants).
however, there is another way the pandemic benefits the org; it presents it an excuse for declining numbers.. many of us have wondered just how much of a downturn there's been in jw land in recent years.
we've wondered whether the org was playing with the numbers to make the situation appear better than it was.
"I believe wt numbers to be totally transparent and if anything underestimates membership growth."
As a former elder of 25 years and congregation secretary, congregation elders do all that they can to keep the numbers up! They call irregular or inactive ones and badger until they pull field service time from the air. The reporting of 15 minute increments for older and infirmed was simply to keep publisher count up. Remember In Africa JW's were crossing crocodile infested waters to get to the meetings and field service, preaching from an iron lung, and witnessing without arms and legs, and then bam, only 15 minutes per month and you remain a regular publisher. I don't believe the 8.6 million for one second!
i was just looking around, this one i've been involved in renovating with the rbc.
apparently it sold for $500k..
Visiting speaker from Brazil (on Zoom), mentioned that there are 600 Kingdom Halls for sale there. There is a J.W. dept. that does mock ups to show what the property could look like for the purpose that is needed. They also look for investors for these properties. After saying that 600 properties are for sale, he quickly added that interest in the truth is not down in Brazil. That seems like a lot of displaced publishers to me!
a few people have posted that i wrote my book to "make money.
"yes, i have made some money from this book but nothing to the comparison to the 11 years it took to write it and the cost to produce was the last thing on my mind on my list of motivations/priorities in writing of this book.
my thought was if i could circumvent the pain and suffering that the watchtower bible & tract society/ jehovah's witnesses has caused to just one person's life than the book has served its purpose.i'm happy to announce the book is free for down load on amazon for the next 5 days.enjoy my friends.keith casaronap.s if after reading it, if you could post a review on amazon i would greatly appreciate it.
I was able to download to a desktop computer. You have to download the Kindle app to your computer. The first try accidentally went to my wife's Kindle , so I may be in trouble. Or, maybe she will get curious and read it. I can only hope!