You may know that President Joe Biden canceled the permits for the XL Canadian pipeline on his first day in office. This was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where I work. One of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost. After watching one of the videos, I was quite upset that the president would do this. Then I got to thinking, let me go back and do research and read articles about this pipeline. The research was eye opening. I'm not here to support or fight against the pipeline. I decided to research and read articles both for and against the Keystone XL pipeline, and a case could be made both for support or opposition of the pipeline.
It made me think about how I used to quote Watchtower articles as if they were the final authority, not doing any reading or research beyond what WT had written. Made me think too how my wife agreed that Christ is our Mediator until she read the WT articles saying that he is Mediator only for the 144K! I guess WT articles trumps/outweighs the Bible. The point for me is, if you go a source that supports a subject, all you get is information that supports that viewpoint. Makes sense? But to make informed, smart decisions, we must consider and weigh all of the data, research and information available, whether positive or negative. That's my rant for today! Take care.