Eye opening in that there are facts that I either had forgotten or didn't know. This pipe line is not something new, and Biden has been involved with, both at the Senate level and as Vice President in the Obama administration. The Keystone pipeline was put on the board for construction as far back as the Bush administration. So there has been a multiplicity of research, studies and debates long before the president withdrew the permits.
Here are some things that people may not know.
1) There is already a pipeline that runs from Canada to Port Arthur, Tx. 2) Farmers, ranchers, American Indians, all that would stand to make profit from the pipeline, most, do not support it. Environmentalists are against it. Underground water supply could be polluted. As much as we like and need oil, we can't drink it. 3) Only 48% of Canadians support this 2nd pipeline(XL). This could mean that 52% are against or don't have an opinion on it. 4) Canada is on track to set record oil exports to the U.S via railcar and the existing Keystone pipeline that has been operational for years now. 5) Many of the jobs related to the construction of the pipeline are temporary. 6) The oil that would run through XL pipeline is a thicker corrosive crude that is extracted from the Canadian and Nebraska sands, that creates more pollution than normal oil operations.
These are a few of the points Anony Mous that I came across. Time magazine has an article from 2014 that is very informative also.
I don't have a dog in the fight, even though for over twenty years I owned a company whose profit margins were dependent on low oil and gas prices. So I am not against Capitalism or profit. I'm also aware of pollution of the planet, global warming, and a belief that man must strike a balance with the environment in order to survive. Don't get me wrong, I like getting into my big truck, turning up the a/c when it's hot, and pulling into the gas station and paying under $2 per gallon. But I'm willing to change if it means breathing fresh air and having clean drinking water!
The point that I wanted or tried to make is that sometimes we make snap judgements after only hearing one side of an issue. (I think Solomon gave counsel about not doing that). I was quite upset with Mr. Biden yesterday. Today, not so much.