JoinedPosts by IWant2Leave
Zoom meetings
by molybdenum inbeing pimo i attend the meetings regularly over zoom.
( i have to as my wife is a dyed -in - the wool, and stick-in-the mud pioneer witness.
i have no possibility of leaving as it would create havoc in my life and at 68 years of age i just don't want the hassle of having to cope with the ramifications of disassociating myself.
Keystone XL Pipeline & Watchtower Research
by IWant2Leave inyou may know that president joe biden canceled the permits for the xl canadian pipeline on his first day in office.
this was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where i work.
one of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost.
These tribes are in Utah and have nothing to do with the Keystone XL pipeline. Their complaint of Biden had to do with his 60 day leasing and permitting ban!
Keystone XL Pipeline & Watchtower Research
by IWant2Leave inyou may know that president joe biden canceled the permits for the xl canadian pipeline on his first day in office.
this was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where i work.
one of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost.
Eye opening in that there are facts that I either had forgotten or didn't know. This pipe line is not something new, and Biden has been involved with, both at the Senate level and as Vice President in the Obama administration. The Keystone pipeline was put on the board for construction as far back as the Bush administration. So there has been a multiplicity of research, studies and debates long before the president withdrew the permits.
Here are some things that people may not know.
1) There is already a pipeline that runs from Canada to Port Arthur, Tx. 2) Farmers, ranchers, American Indians, all that would stand to make profit from the pipeline, most, do not support it. Environmentalists are against it. Underground water supply could be polluted. As much as we like and need oil, we can't drink it. 3) Only 48% of Canadians support this 2nd pipeline(XL). This could mean that 52% are against or don't have an opinion on it. 4) Canada is on track to set record oil exports to the U.S via railcar and the existing Keystone pipeline that has been operational for years now. 5) Many of the jobs related to the construction of the pipeline are temporary. 6) The oil that would run through XL pipeline is a thicker corrosive crude that is extracted from the Canadian and Nebraska sands, that creates more pollution than normal oil operations.
These are a few of the points Anony Mous that I came across. Time magazine has an article from 2014 that is very informative also.
I don't have a dog in the fight, even though for over twenty years I owned a company whose profit margins were dependent on low oil and gas prices. So I am not against Capitalism or profit. I'm also aware of pollution of the planet, global warming, and a belief that man must strike a balance with the environment in order to survive. Don't get me wrong, I like getting into my big truck, turning up the a/c when it's hot, and pulling into the gas station and paying under $2 per gallon. But I'm willing to change if it means breathing fresh air and having clean drinking water!
The point that I wanted or tried to make is that sometimes we make snap judgements after only hearing one side of an issue. (I think Solomon gave counsel about not doing that). I was quite upset with Mr. Biden yesterday. Today, not so much.
Keystone XL Pipeline & Watchtower Research
by IWant2Leave inyou may know that president joe biden canceled the permits for the xl canadian pipeline on his first day in office.
this was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where i work.
one of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost.
You may know that President Joe Biden canceled the permits for the XL Canadian pipeline on his first day in office. This was a controversial move, and there has been discussion and videos floating around the office where I work. One of my co-workers showed a video of all the jobs being lost. After watching one of the videos, I was quite upset that the president would do this. Then I got to thinking, let me go back and do research and read articles about this pipeline. The research was eye opening. I'm not here to support or fight against the pipeline. I decided to research and read articles both for and against the Keystone XL pipeline, and a case could be made both for support or opposition of the pipeline.
It made me think about how I used to quote Watchtower articles as if they were the final authority, not doing any reading or research beyond what WT had written. Made me think too how my wife agreed that Christ is our Mediator until she read the WT articles saying that he is Mediator only for the 144K! I guess WT articles trumps/outweighs the Bible. The point for me is, if you go a source that supports a subject, all you get is information that supports that viewpoint. Makes sense? But to make informed, smart decisions, we must consider and weigh all of the data, research and information available, whether positive or negative. That's my rant for today! Take care.
January 1st BOE letters
by projecthydra inclick here for download link.
please use winrar to extract the following documents:.
2021--january--s-147--english--announcements and reminders.
Thanks to both of you. Seems to be a lot going on in JW land.
The riot at the U.S. Capitol had Witnesses telling me it's the fulfillment of Daniel 2:33, 41, and that I had better get with it! It's time for some confirmation bias. Wonder what JW's will say since things have calmed down?
I appreciate you all keeping us up to date.
Why Do Some People Wear A Mask While Driving Alone In Their Car?
by minimus incan anyone explain this to me??
When doing food delivery and the fast food or groceries are in the vehicle, some drivers are required to wear the mask inside the car. Sometimes there are kids in the car that we can't see when we drive by, and the driver is wearing a mask for their benefit. Other times, I think the driver has forgotten that they have it on. This one has happened to me, chalk it up to old age!
Tech 49: the 3 F's...Fading, Field Service, and Friends
by Tech49 inhere we are, the family and i, moving along in our slow journey to freedom.
although they are unaware, for the most part, our ship is slowly veering off course.
not enough to cause attention, not enough to trigger alarm bells, but just enough.. since the summer dc, i have watched carefully, as the new releases remain on the coffee table, in plain sight, not touched, more of a decoration that anything.
Tech49’s last post was 6 months ago and gave an update 10 months ago. You might try a p.m.
Past Watchtower Society Comments On Vaccines
by BluesBrother intoday there is a lot of hope placed in a vaccines to immunise against covid 19 , and relief that they are soon to be available.
that will be shared by the eight million or so jws in this world.
they should be thankful that the wts has moved away from its teaching ,that lasted for decades , proclaiming that vaccination was wrong, and a tool of satan.
New light came about in the 1950's because the top brass couldn't travel out of the country without vaccinations. Air travel was really taking off! Suddenly the heavens opened and its ok!
how do spouse's treat their partners if they leave the cult?
by mickbobcat inso i was fortunate enough to have a wife that listened and saw what i was saying was true and that the cult is bs.
but i wonder how bad it is in a relationship that one goes out of the cult and the other stays in.
i can see that being a real issue for a marriage.
My previous post, i meant to add that it all depends on the couple and the strength of their relationship. It’s one day at a time. Some JW’s that wanted out of the marriage , use it to say that they are spiritually endangered, thus opening the way for a separation. This could spread to other things, such as new relationships. With all of that said, it varies.
how do spouse's treat their partners if they leave the cult?
by mickbobcat inso i was fortunate enough to have a wife that listened and saw what i was saying was true and that the cult is bs.
but i wonder how bad it is in a relationship that one goes out of the cult and the other stays in.
i can see that being a real issue for a marriage.
My wife just threatened to go to the elders and tell them that I no longer believe. She says that if i go talk to an elder of my choice, she will drop telling them i’m an unbeliever. She says she doesn’t have to know the specifics of the conversation.
I mentioned that maybe i should get my own place, if i’m making everyone in the household so uncomfortable, and she started to cry and said that’s not the outcome that she wants.
Maybe I’ll shave my beard and go talk to an elder that i’m close to. Shaving keeps my fade out of the org going and i don’t come off as rebellious, so that another meeting is necessary. I know it’s crazy right?
I mentioned some things that most witnesses don’t know, such as, Jesus not being their Mediator. She emphatically replied that Christ is her Mediator. After researching in WT literature, she now says He is not!😢 WT trumps the bible.🤬