Hello Shelby, thanks for responding.
I have to be honest, I re-read your posts over several times and I still have trouble understanding your meanings. I do apologize if I sound sarcastic, I really, really don’t mean to be.
You wrote:
Did you really get that out of what I was permitted to share? REALLY? Your dog 'rolls in the crap', SLeaf... be he/she's... A DOG. Now, if your dog got lost, say 3,500 miles from home, but somehow made it back... I would not hesitate to say... he asked... and was 'guided' and that perhaps that's why some DON'T make it back. I have not asked my Lord on this matter, so in truth, I do not know. <<
I understand what you’re saying, however, just as the same applies to humans, to say that an individual [whether a human or an animal] asks for help from the Lord and receives it because they had faith and asked sincerely, is fine, but to say that an individual who asks for help or guidance and does not receive it, does not because they were not sincere, or did not have enough faith or the right faith or did not ask the right way, falls short as an explanation.
>>And how exactly can a plant disobey?
As I said to DWilt, "Do you recall the fig tree that refused to produce food for the Son of God? Producing food was the very purpose of that tree's existence; yet, when called upon to do so... it did not. And so, was 'cursed'." <<
You’re saying that plants have free will also. Okay. I’ll have to think about that for a while. It’s interesting – I’m not sure I agree, but it’s worth thinking about anyway.
>>Oh, you’re not saying that man is to animal as man is to woman are you? Please tell me that’s not what you’re saying because I’ll have to hurl if you are.
Now why would that make you 'hurl'. No, man is not 'to animal', as man is 'to woman'. Of COURSE not. The point I believe my Father was MAKING is that just as woman is supposedly 'in subjection' to man, man is not SUPERIOR to woman, and indeed must HONOR woman. In the same way, man is superior to ANIMALS... and so because they (animals) are a form of LIFE, they too are deserving of 'honor'. <<
Thanks for clarifying that. I DID misunderstand your earlier paragraph. And yes, I am made physically ill when anyone puts forth the idea that ‘man’ was supposed to be superior to ‘woman’ and that ‘woman’ should be happy as a clam to be subjugated by ‘man.’ I’m glad that’s not what you were saying, and again I apologize for my misunderstanding.
Peace to you as well,